February 21, 2015

Amelia- 2 months

It's hard to believe that it's already almost the end of February and that Amelia is already 2 months old. Where has the time gone?! We are loving this little lady and all of  the fun new happenings going on.
Height: about 23 1/4 inches
Weight: 11 pounds, 1 ounce
Clothes: she's wearing 0-3 months clothes comfortably, although she's starting to be
too long for some of the clothes and pj's.
Diaper: size 1
Eating: During the day you go about 2 1/2-3 hours between feedings. You take about 3 bottles (sometimes 4) at daycare each day.  
Sleeping: You still love your sleep! But you have been staying awake between feedings more. Each night we put you to bed in your bassinet between 9-11pm and you normally wake up once to feed. You take naps between each feedings. 
Happening this month:
-you started daycare (3 weeks ago). you love your teachers Ms. Hannah & Ms. Tara. There's 7 other children in your class. You're the youngest in the room (right now).
-you love swinging in your swing. && you LOVE music!
-you have Oma/Amelia days every Wednesday. Oma gets to love on you when you spend your day with her.
-you are constantly holding your head up! your neck muscles are very strong. You've been going to PT for your right arm/shoulder and you're moving it tons now.  
-you still love your cat seat. you hate going in but you instantly fall asleep once you start moving.
-you're smile when we talk to you and you're starting to giggle and "coo".
-you got your first cold this week. :[[ you've been pretty miserable with your runny nose and cough.
Ohhh Amelia- it's been such a joy to have you in our lives these past 2 months. We're totally smitten with you and we enjoy watching you grow & develop each day.