February 16, 2014

My Bucket List

Last weekend, I turned 26. Where did the time go, seriously!? Now that I'm 26 and (as my husband so lovingly told me...) I'm out of the "young adult" phase and into the adult phase, I decided to create my bucket list. The list of goals, achievements, travels, and milestones that I'd like to accomplish in my lifetime.

Here goes nothing....

-have a long, happy marriage. Those couples that have been married for 50+ years inspire me. I love my husband more then anything in the world and I can't wait to see where life takes us.
-have children. Brad & I would love to have children some day.
-travel. it's my goal in life to travel to as many countries as possible.
I'd love to travel to all the 50 states also.
-along the lines of traveling, I'd LOVE to go all of the Disney parks in the world. I've been to the ones in the US (Disneyland and Disneyworld) and I've been to Disney Paris.
-play the piano. I played when I was younger & I would LOVE to learn to play again.
-go to a professional NHL game. I love hockey and would love to go to a Blackhawks game.
-complete RAGBRAI again. it's a bike event across the state of Iowa. I completed it in 2010 but I missed a day because I was sick. I want to do it again and be able to complete the whole thing.
-read as over 500 books. I have no idea what number I'm on right now, but I'm sure I'll have no problem completing this one. I LOVE reading.
-travel first class. I think it'd be fun to travel this way just once.
-own a farm-ette. I really want some goats, chickens and cows. One goat, one cow, and like 5 chickens would be suffice also.
Those are my only goals I could think of right now... but the wonderful thing about the internet is that I can always add to it!
Xo, Tiffany


February 3, 2014

That Special Somone!

I love doing "Link up" posts- it's fun to answer the questions and it's fun to read other people's blogs and their answers to questions. This month I've found a Link Up on Endlessly Beloved.
The topic is "that special someone" and then you write your "10 Favorite Things" about the someone.

Endlessly BeLoved

  Since Valentine's Day is right around the corner, & it's February (mine & Brad's birthdays are both in February so I like to think of it as "our month"), I obviously decided to write about my husband Bradley. We've been together for over 10 years, married for almost 3 years, and I'm crazy, madly in love with him.

1. He's supportive- I'm super busy and Brad is always there to help out with anything I need. He's always there to listen, offer advice, and he's always up to cuddle on the couch.
2. He's smart- He's a computer programmer & I literally have no idea what he's talking about when he comes home each night. He loves his job and is always reading new books or looking at things online to see what is new in the computer world. He's a hard worker.

3. He loves to travel! We've had the wonderful opportunity of going vacation with each other at least once a year since we started dating. We've been to new places, old places, traveled out of the country and had many adventures together. 
4. He's hilarious- I feel like he's constantly doing something to make me laugh or roll my eyes at him. He's always making jokes, "singing or dancing" in the kitchen or just doing something to make me laugh.
5. We never fight. Honestly. Yes there are times we annoy each other and we have disagreements about things, but there has never been an issue we've had an "I can't stand you, don't call me for days, I don't want to see you anymore" argument.
6. He married me. This might see weird, but one of my favorite things about Bradley is that he's mine. He's *my* husband. I'm going to spend the rest of my life with him and I'm beyond thankful that I was blessed with him.
7. and with that goes the fact that he puts up with me... I know I'm not the easiest person in the world. I'm controlling, things have to "perfect", I'm always over-planning and rushing to "stay on schedule", and I'm an emotional woman; but Brad just smiles, calms me down, and holds my hand. He keeps me in the moment.
8. He's always up for an adventure. Whether it's driving an hour and a half to a small town in Wisconsin to go to a random county fair or not taking any toll roads on your honeymoon and driving in some pretty sketch areas from Orlando to Key Largo.
9. He's a "guys guy"- he loves sports, eating hot & spicy foods, fishing, hunting, being outside.
10.  He's protective- he's always texting me to make sure I made it to work safely and making sure that I'm safe if I'm home-alone. I have a horrible back and he gets upset whenever I try to shovel or help with snow blowing.

I hope that this post doesn't have you gagging or super annoyed by the amount of pictures- but what can I say?! I married my high school sweetheart, we have 10+ years worth of memories and wonderful times together. I'm crazy in love with him and I'm so excited to continue this journey that has God has blessed us on.

Xo, Tiffany