January 23, 2015

In 2015 ((Happy New Year))

Now that January is almost over I realized that I never wrote down my resolutions goals for 2015. Not so much resolutions, people tend to break those by now... but I'd like to write down things I'd like to accomplish or things I'd like to do during the year. I think it'll be fun to look back at the end of the year and see what I've accomplished (or haven't).

My goals for the year-

*travel... We're already planning to take Amelia to Florida & to Disney. (on a random side note-- I can't wait to go to Florida and to eat seafood. Yum! Nothing like fresh seafood)

*traveling in Wisconsin. visiting more places in this gorgeous state.

*read more books. I have a couple books waiting to be read from last summer.

*cooking. I'd love to try new recipes. New healthy recipes.

*more time outside. enjoying the weather. taking Amelia to the park. swimming. hiking. biking.

*unplugging from technology. enjoying the moment. and not looking at life through a phone screen.

*connection time. enjoying moments with our new little family of 3 (5 if you include the puppies :]]). spending time with my family and my in-laws. spending time with friends.

Here's to 2015. I hope this year brings health, happiness, and great memories. I'm excited to see what this year has in store for us.

*I hope 2015 brings memories as beautiful as this one*

Xo, Tiffany 


January 18, 2015

Amelia: 1 Month Old

My baby is a month old already! Where did the time go? We've survived our first month and seem to be getting the hang of everything.

Height: about 22 inches
Weight: about 10 pounds I'm guessing,
she weighed a little less than 10 lbs at her appointment last week
Clothes: we've been wearing 0-3 and 3 month clothes since she was born. She's soo long that newborn clothes 
Diaper: size 1
Eating: We've made it our first month breastfeeding. We've been waking you up every 3 hours to eat if you don't wake up sooner. At night lately it's been a battle to keep you awake though to eat so you could probably sleep longer if we let you. During the day you eat every 3 hours but sometimes we barely make it 2 hours. I pump after each day feeding and Daddy gives you a bottle at night so mommy can sleep a little longer, and so you can get used to a bottle before going to daycare.
Sleeping: You've been sleeping in your bassinet in our room perfectly. We put you in your swaddle after your last feeding and you normally go right to sleep. Some nights your wide awake from 10-midnight and other nights your good to go. Once you're asleep you sleep until we wake you up to feed you- normally around 1am and 5am. Some nights I think you could keep sleeping and we have to wake you up to eat.
Happening this month:
-you get loved on constantly by your doggies- Clementine is always following where you are to make sure you're ok, and anytime you cry she's right there giving you kisses.
-you celebrated your first Christmas! your Grandma, Uncle Matt & Aunt Nicole came over to celebrate on Christmas Eve, and then Oma, Opa, Auntie Courtney & Auntie Chelsey & Todd came over on Christmas. And then Grandpa Bogie and Judy came the day after to celebrate with us. It was a busy three days! You slept the whole time (you were only a week old) and you were very spoiled by everyone!
-you are constantly holding your head up! your neck muscles are very strong. You've been going to PT for your right arm/shoulder and it's been gaining strength every day!
-you don't mind going in your car seat, you cry at first but then quickly fall asleep and you'll sleep the whole time as long as we don't take you out.
-you're starting to smile (not sleeping smiles) and I'm so excited to see how your little personality grows.
Miss Amelia- you are such a joy to have! Daddy & I couldn't love you any more than we do. You're such an easy baby and we love to cuddle you. I'm so excited to watch you continue to grow and watch your accomplishments. I know that the Lord has wonderful things planned for you. We love you Miss Amelia!