Height: I'm guessing 24 inches but you have your 4 month old check up this week
Weight: I'm guessing 17 pounds
Clothes: You wear 3-6/6 month old clothes, but probably not for much longer.
Your pajamas and onesies are starting to get too short.
Diapers: Size 2
Eating: You drink your bottle 2-3 hours during the day. You still drink 4oz bottles.
Your nurse every 2-3 when you're with momma.
Sleeping: You sleep in your bassinet in our room. You go to bed between 10-11pm and wake up at 7am. You do amazing sleeping! You take cat naps during the day but really just whenever you sleep is nap time.
Happening this month:
+We went to Little Farmer. Mommy wore you and you slept the whole time! Aunt Courtney, Aunt Chelsey & Uncle Todd, Oma & Opa were there too! We loved getting caramel apples.
+We had family movie night! We snuggled in our pajamas and watched the "Smurfs"
+We visited Grandpa & Nana's house!
+You went to your first wedding! Your daddy's cousin Brian got married. We took a trip to Madison, stayed at a hotel (your first time!), went swimming (your first time!) and took a trip to the Disney Store (your first time!).
+We went to Cuff's pumpkin patch. We went with Grandpa & Nana, Uncle Matt & Aunt Nicole and Quinnley. We got pumpkins, took a hayride, and enjoyed the time outside.
Jed- we're so excited to continue to watch you grow! You're so smiley and happy all the time.