February 1, 2018

January happenings.

2018 just started and January is already over. It's been a long cold month and we haven't really done much because of the weather.

+We got a YMCA membership to start the new school year and we've gone swimming 3 weekends. Amelia is a fish and loves getting to go swimming! Our Y has a kid pool that Amelia can stand in so it's nice for her. We also went on the big water slide!

+I had a baby shower for my sorority sister Sam. She's having twins! It was so nice to celebrate her and enjoy time with some sisters that I don't get to see very often.

Since we had a pretty uneventful January, I'll go ahead and add my wish list for the year:

+Travel. Traveling is always on my list of goals/resolutions. I love to travel and enjoy making memories with my family. This year we're taking the kids to Cape Cod- I can't wait! I've never been so I can't wait to visit and see what the Cape has in store for us. Our list of to-do's include whale watching, fishing, a baseball game and eating lots of seafood!

+Connections. As I'm getting older I'm realizing who is important in my life and that you can only try to have a relationship with someone for so long. Relationships are a 2 way street- you can't be the only person trying. So en-light of that- I'll be working on my relationships with the people that matter that the most to me, and the people that would also like to have a relationship with me.

+Be "okay" with whatever happens. Brad & I have been goals in our life in the next couple years, goals that we think will better our family and better our relationship. We're very much in a place right now where we're listening to God, and learning to be "okay" with whatever God has in store for us- even if that's not how we envisioned our plans.

This year I really just want to focus on me and my family. I'm turning 30 this year (check back soon for my blog with my 30 year bucket list!) and I definitely feel like I'm doing some soul searching. I'm figuring out who I am, where I want to go, and what's the best for my family. I'm so blessed to be on this journey with Brad and can't wait to see what God has in store for us this year. I hope you guys will pray that God's vision and plan will be shown to us and all will work for our family.

Thanks for taking the time to read this everyone. I hope you stick around- 2018 is going to be a great year--- I'm practically bursting waiting to see what happens.

                                                          Xo, Tiffany

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