April 16, 2018

Jedidiah---> 10 months

Height: 27 inches

Weight: 21 pounds

Clothes: You wear 12 month old clothes for everything now. Your 12 month old pants are starting to get a little too short though. 

Diapers: size 3 still

Eating: You love table food! Your favorites are still fruits and waffles. You nurse every 4-5 hours, some days you only make it 3 hours but it just depends on the day. You have 2 bottles during the day when you are with Oma.

Sleeping: You take 2 naps during the day and then at night you go to bed
around 8pm and sleep till 6am.

Happening this month:

+you got 2 more teeth on the top! that's #5&#6 now. You have 4 on top and 2 on bottom.

+we went to Grandma's house to celebrate her birthday.

+you had your first Easter! We went to Grandma & Joe's for a little bit before going to Oma & Opa's house. Grandpa and Nana joined us at lunch. Papa & Gigi, Aunt Gail & Nick, Uncle Rob & Aunt Trish were also there for lunch.

 +We decorated Easter eggs in whip cream- you loved eating the whip cream.

+We went to Minnesota to the Mall of America and the Minnesota zoo.
You did a much better job sleeping in the pack-n-play this time.

+you are walking all around! You've taken a couple steps between people but haven't taken steps on your own yet. You love standing and walking around the furniture.

+we had a huge snowstorm the day you turned 10 months! We got over 18" of snow! Who would have thought we'd get that much snow in April... uck.

Jedidiah- you are still such a happy baby. You are always smiling. You are a little stinker though- you love getting into the dog dish, playing with the water or eating dog food. You love getting into everything that you're not supposed to. You love mommy, daddy, and Amelia. You love snuggling with mommy at bed time. 

We love you Jed! 

February/March happenings.

The thing about winter in Wisconsin is that it's cold. Like really cold and I don't want to go outside with miserable children.

+Brad & I turned 30 in February. We had a joint birthday party to celebrate- olympic themed! It was a wonderful evening spent with our families.

+We all got sick in February. I got sick over my birthday followed by Brad and the kids. Winter gets to be long with cold weather and sickness.

+We took a trip to the Milwaukee zoo. It was a nice way to get out and enjoy some nice weather. Amelia loved feeding Diego the sea lion.

+Spring break was the end of March this year. We went to Minnesota for a couple days. We visited the Minnesota zoo and the Mall of America. It was a nice little mini-vacation.

+Easter was a fun filled day and the weather was actually kind of nice on Easter day. We were able to visit with Barb & Joe before heading over to my parents house. Paul & Judy joined us for lunch also. Amelia had a great time looking for her basket and Jedidiah's basket. They were super spoiled.

+We decorated Easter eggs using whip cream and food coloring. Amelia loved getting messy and Jed loved eating the whip cream.

Here's to hoping the winter is over and spring is almost here...

                                                          Xo, Tiffany