May 15, 2018

Jedidiah ---> 11 months

Height: 27 inches

Weight: 21 pounds

Clothes: You moved up to 18 month old clothes. You still fit in your 12 month old clothes, they are just a little bit too tight. 

Diapers: size 3 still

Eating: You love table food! Your favorites are still fruits and veggies!  You nurse every 4-5 hours, some days you only make it 3 hours but it just depends on the day. You have 2 bottles during the day when you are with Oma.

Sleeping: You take 2 naps during the day and then at night you go to bed
around 8pm and sleep till 6am.

Happening this month:

+you had a wedding to go to- Daddy's cousin Jason got married to Cindy. You and Amelia loved listening to the music. You were such a happy boy the whole night even though you got to stay up way past your bedtime!

+We took a day trip to the Milwaukee Zoo. You love getting to see the animals.

+We celebrated Mother's Day! It was my first mother's day to 2 children and I loved getting to spend time with you. We went to Bay Beach and rode some rides! You don't love carousels but you loved driving the cars and ringing the bells.

+We went to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle day at the Timber Rattler's stadium. You were such a happy boy during your first baseball game!

+you can WALK! Yay Jedidiah!

*You are definitely turning into such a little ham. You are always smiling and laughing. You love playing with balls and trucks. You LOVE playing with the dog's water and food dishes. And your favorite game is putting things into the garbage can that you shouldn't.

We love you Jedidiah!