March 18, 2014

Where did time go?

Oh goodness... so much for my new year's resolution to blog more. Life has been fantastically busy lately.

Between being busy with advisor duties for Alpha Xi Delta, trainings, parent-teacher conferences, and my regular hours at work, I feel like it's been a non-stop month. A busy month, but a really wonderful month also.

February is also a really busy month because it's a month of a birthdays! Mine and Brad's birthdays are both in February. I'm 10 days older (something he reminds me of OFTEN!) and we love to celebrate both birthdays with presents, dinner, and cake! Check out this picture of the amazingly delicious cupcakes I bought for my birthday "cake"! Brad & I split one in half each day- there's so filling you can barely eat half! They're so good though.
From back to front- Reese's, Snickers, Dirt Cake, Blue Moon, M&M, Triple Chocolate

We went out for dinner to celebrate at a hibachi restaurant. I love hibachi- yum! For Bradley's birthday we had Chinese food from our favorite place- Lee Yang's; and we had Brad's favorite- Ice Cream Cake from DQ. Who lives in Wisconsin and gets an ice cream in the middle of February!? Only for my husband! Brad's dad and brother are also February birthdays, so we got together for dinner to celebrate our birthday month.

March has been busy with birthdays also! My dad's birthday is on the 7th, celebrated with family dinner and time spent at my parent's house. Brad's mom and many family members on his mom's side are also March birthdays. We had a family birthday party this past weekend to celebrate them. It's always nice to get together with family and spend time together.

We were finally able to get together with my best friend Brittany, her husband Andrew and our friend Ellis. We went to a hockey game and had a wonderful time spending the evening together. It's nice to spend time with friends.

Brad & I are anxiously counting down the days until we leave on vacation! Spring break in the Outer Banks can't come soon enough! Spending time relaxing, soaking up the sun, swimming, and enjoying delicious seafood. We can't wait! 

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Xo, Tiffany

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