April 13, 2014

100 Days Of Happy

There's a new photo challenge going on on Instagram, "can you be happy for 100 days?". The challenge is to take a picture everyday of something that made you happy. I love this idea! Life is so busy and with so much running around. I'm going to make it my goal to post daily one thing I'm thankful- now I don't plan on taking pictures everyday, but I do plan to be aware of things that are making me happy each day, even the little things.

So here it goes... Day 1 of being happy!
Today I'm thankful for rainy lazy Sundays.  Lazy days being spent cuddling with my dogs and my wonderful Bradley. We started to pack for our trip to North Carolina- so many things to bring when you're renting a house ((& not staying in a hotel)).

Here's to a short week and spring break right around the corner!

Xo, Tiffany

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