May 20, 2014


Ugh! I made it 3 days into my 100 days of happiness, skipped a day, and then completely fell off the wagon. Lately it feels like life is going 800 different directions and I'm trying to stay connected to all of them. The good news is there's only 4 weeks left of school so I'll be eliminating some stress after that! Yay!

In April, Bradley & I went to North Carolina to the Outer Banks for a vacation. It was a nice, relaxing vacation! We went to Washington D.C. for a couple days before heading to the OBX. In DC, we did the normally tourist things, toured the White House, saw the monuments, walked around the city, and went to Hard Rock Café for lunch. We also went to the Arlington Cemetery.

In the outer banks, we laid by the pool, eat delicious seafood, flew kites on the sand dunes, went to the aquarium, and walked on the beach. It was a nice relaxing week- wouldn't have traded it for anything!

Since coming back, it's been non-stop with work. I'm taking some classes over the summer, so I'm busy trying to get that taken care of.

Another exciting time- my sister Courtney graduated from college last weekend. It was a great afternoon celebrating with her and our family! Congrats Court- so proud of you! :]

I'm off to get some school work done... && enjoy this beautiful weather!

Xo, Tiffany

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