May 27, 2014

Cheers to 3 day weekends!

Ahh... 3 day weekends with gorgeous weather. Can't get much better than that!

We spent time at my parents house; enjoying my mom's delicious home-made egg rolls. Soooo good! Seriously, my mom makes the BEST homemade egg rolls ever. It was a nice afternoon spent with family.

We unfortunately had to do the "grown up, homeowner" thing and we did yard work. My flowers are starting to come really nicely. As much as I hate pulling weeds, I must say there's nothing prettier than flowers! I'm excited for them to finally start blooming.

Brad & I had a date night and went to Waupaca for pizza buffet at the Wheelhouse. During the summer, the Wheelhouse gets sooo busy and yesterday was probably the only Monday we'll be home early enough to go up there. The pizza was delicious and the weather was gorgeous. We (of course)had to stop for some delicious Mackinac Island Fudge ice cream. It was a great little date night to kick off summer!

I hope that everyone enjoyed their Memorial Day weekends. && took the time to thank and remember the veterans that gave the ultimate sacrifice to keep us safe & free. 
Freedom isn't free.

Xo, Tiffany

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