December 26, 2014

Welcome Miss Amelia Lee!

I haven't written in a couple weeks because we've been busy adjusting to life with our beautiful daughter, Amelia Lee! But I have some down time right now, with Amelia sleeping soundly in her bassinet and I wanted to be able to write down type the story of her birth, while the memories are still fresh in my head.

On Monday, Dec. 15th I went to my regularly scheduled 39 week doctor appointment. I was told that I was 4 cm dilated and completely thinned out. My doctor had said at my 38 week appointment that depending on how dilated I was that he wanted to schedule an induction. I had heard many horror stories of being induced and didn't really want to be induced so I was hoping that baby Bogie would make her appearance before that, but no such luck! At my 39 week my doctor said we should probably talk about inducing me because of how far dilated I was... after asking questions and being assured that I could still walk around/wouldn't be confined to the bed, Brad & I decided that he's a doctor for a reason and I trusted his opinion. We scheduled our induction date for Wednesday, Dec. 17th.

The next couple days were exciting but very nerve wracking because I knew that I would be having a baby soon, like within the next couple days. I felt stressed and felt like there was now a million things I needed to do before she came into this world. Brad & I did lots of prepping around the house to make sure that we had everything ready. Tuesday night we went to bed early, prayed and tried to get a good night sleep... the key word in that sentence is *tried. I was trying to be pro-active and get the dogs ready for the baby- so I wanted to cut their nails.. well I ended up cutting Dixie's nail too short, it started bleeding and it took us an hour to get her nail to stop bleeding. Then once we finally were able to go to bed Clementine decided that she wasn't too keen on sleep, and was very antsy all night long. We were able to get a little bit of sleep though.

At around 3:30 we woke up, packed the car with our bags and the dogs and headed to meet my parents at the hospital. My dad and mom met us at the hospital around 5am, my dad took the dogs to their house and my mom stayed with Brad & I. We went inside, registered, and they took us to the delivery room. They hooked up the monitors to keep an eye on the baby's heartbeat and we waited for my doctor to arrive. He came in around 6:10am and inserted the inducing jelly, said that I was still at 4cm and that he'd be back to check on me later. I didn't really start to have contractions with the jelly, but I did get really sick. My doctor came back around 7:30am to break my water and I was still at only 4cm. Once he broke my water though the contractions started to get stronger and more uncomfortable and I was still getting sick. I didn't want to lay in the bed anymore and decided that I wanted to lay in the Jacuzzi tub. I laid in there for around an hour and my doctor came back to check me. I was at 7cm after about an hour... and still getting sick... my doctor and nurse decided that since I was getting too dehydrated that I need to be hooked up to the IV to get some fluids. At that time he suggested that I get an iv of pain medicine also, since I was progressing pretty fast and he didn't want me to be exhausted. The pain medicine helped me to relax in between contractions. The doctor came back and checked me one more time, I was around 9 cm and he was fairly optimistic we'd have a baby by noon(ish!). Around 11am I was check and told that I could start pushing- finally! All I remember thinking is that it was almost time to meet our little girl!

I started pushing around 11am and around 11:30am the nurse was calling the doctor to come in because she could see the baby's head. The doctor walked in and started getting his gear on, my body was pushing so fast he almost didn't get his outfit on in time! Once the doctor was in, it only took a couple big pushes for her to start coming out. The last 5 minutes got scary though, Amelia's right shoulder got stuck. The doctor called for emergency help, one of the nurses jumped on me/straddled me and started pushing on my stomach, and the other nurses kept talking/yelling for me to keep pushing. The doctor was able to move her and pulled her out. She was born at 11:44am. The first 5 minutes were the scariest 5 minutes when she wasn't crying at first, the nurses took her and cleaned her and started checking her over to make sure she was fine. Once I heard her crying, everything was good. :]

 I remember the nurses checking her over and commenting on how big of a baby she was... Amelia weighed in at 9 lbs 6 oz and was 21 3/4 inches long. And she has hair- I was very excited about that!
After about 10 minutes the nurses handed her over to us and Brad & I were able to spend some quiet time with Amelia. We were smitten and so in love with her right away!

There were about 9 babies born at the hospital that day and as far as we know Amelia was the biggest baby! She was the 3rd baby born that morning. We were able to cuddle and bond with her for a couple hours just the 3 of us before everyone came to visit. Amelia had lots of visitors and is already very loved by everyone.

Xo, Tiffany 

December 10, 2014

38 Weeks!

How far along are you?: 38 weeks! 
How big is your baby?: the size of a pumpkin
Total weight gain: 30 lbs.

Sex: We're having a little GIRL!!
Maternity clothes: maternity pants every day, and shirts most days
  Sleep: sleep is going good- however I'm super sore whenever I wake up in the morning.
Symptoms: morning sickness, swollen hands/feet
Movement: she's been a real wiggle worm!
Best moment this week: My co-worker Lisa had a surprise baby shower for me at work with my 4K kiddos! They made a book and offered me and the baby advice. Sweetest thing ever!
Over the weekend we went to my parents' house and made cookies/candy/fudge. It was an exhausting time but very fun!
Food cravings: ice cream. always.

Belly button in or out: still holding strong with "being in"
What I miss:  not being sore. starting to get sooo uncomfortable
What I'm looking forward to: my next doctor appointment on Monday
Labor Signs: I had a cervical check at my 38 week appointment (this week on Monday). I was 3 cm dilated and completely thinned out. Not really having any consistent contractions though so who knows when she'll be making her appearance. Getting excited to finally meet her though!
Xo, Tiffany 

December 3, 2014

37 Weeks with Baby Bogie!

How far along are you?: 37 weeks! 
How big is your baby?: the size of a wintermelon
Total weight gain: 27 lbs.

Sex: We're having a little GIRL!!
Maternity clothes: maternity pants every day, and shirts most days
  Sleep: sleep is going good- however I'm super sore whenever I wake up in the morning.
Symptoms: still have morning sickness every morning and starting to get super uncomfortable
Movement: She really likes to move around when I'm sitting down.
Best moment this week: Thanksgiving was this past week. It was so wonderful to see family and spend the day with everyone. We went to my parents' house in the morning and spent time with my mom and sisters. Then we went to Brad's mom's house for Thanksgiving meal/dinner time. It was nice to spend time with his family. Brad & I did some Black Friday shopping the next day and then we spent time with my family again on Saturday. It was a wonderful 4 day weekend and we had lots of family time!
Food cravings: ice cream. always.

Belly button in or out: still holding strong with "being in"
What I miss:  not being sore. starting to get sooo uncomfortable
What I'm looking forward to: my next doctor appointment. This weekend we'll be taking it easy and relaxing.
Labor Signs: I had a cervical check at my 37 week doctor appointment on Monday... I was 2.5 cm dilated and I can't get "much thinner" than I am. Doctor seems pretty sure she'll be arriving early so we'll have to see!
Xo, Tiffany