December 3, 2014

37 Weeks with Baby Bogie!

How far along are you?: 37 weeks! 
How big is your baby?: the size of a wintermelon
Total weight gain: 27 lbs.

Sex: We're having a little GIRL!!
Maternity clothes: maternity pants every day, and shirts most days
  Sleep: sleep is going good- however I'm super sore whenever I wake up in the morning.
Symptoms: still have morning sickness every morning and starting to get super uncomfortable
Movement: She really likes to move around when I'm sitting down.
Best moment this week: Thanksgiving was this past week. It was so wonderful to see family and spend the day with everyone. We went to my parents' house in the morning and spent time with my mom and sisters. Then we went to Brad's mom's house for Thanksgiving meal/dinner time. It was nice to spend time with his family. Brad & I did some Black Friday shopping the next day and then we spent time with my family again on Saturday. It was a wonderful 4 day weekend and we had lots of family time!
Food cravings: ice cream. always.

Belly button in or out: still holding strong with "being in"
What I miss:  not being sore. starting to get sooo uncomfortable
What I'm looking forward to: my next doctor appointment. This weekend we'll be taking it easy and relaxing.
Labor Signs: I had a cervical check at my 37 week doctor appointment on Monday... I was 2.5 cm dilated and I can't get "much thinner" than I am. Doctor seems pretty sure she'll be arriving early so we'll have to see!
Xo, Tiffany 

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