March 31, 2015

Amelia- 3 months

I'm about 2 weeks late posting this, but better late than never right?! Amelia is 3 months old already! She's getting bigger and bigger every time I look at her.

Height: 24 inches? I really have no idea how to tell... you're too long for your 0-3 months clothes...
Weight: my guess is at least 12 pounds since you have moved up a size in clothing
Clothes: wearing 3-6 month pajamas and pants, you still wear 0-3 onesies.  
Diaper: size 2
Eating: During the day you go about 2 1/2-3 hours between feedings. You take about 3 bottles (sometimes 4) at daycare each day. You nurse at home about 3-4 times each day.
Sleeping: You take a morning nap and an afternoon nap. Each night we put you to sleep in your bassinet between 9-10pm and you sleep until 3-4am. You're doing wonderful sleeping through the night!
Happening this month:
-you continue to go to PT each month for your shoulder. You're getting stronger and stronger every day.
-You're trying to roll over! You roll over to your side and then seem to get stuck there.
-You're smiling and laughing more & more. You love your mommy & daddy and smile every time you see us!
-you had your first "spirit week" at school! you looked so cute in your clothes for "Hawaii Day, Super Hero Day, Character Day, and Sunglasses/Crazy Hair Day".
-the weather finally started to feel like spring & you were able to go outside for a couple minutes! Other then going to the car you haven't been outside... you were a little unsure about the brightness but you loved sitting with us in your blanket!


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