April 20, 2015

Amelia- 4 months

Oh Miss Amelia- 4 months already!? Where has the time gone! You've officially been in daycare for 2 months now... Which means mommy has been back to work for 2 months now. Every day I pick you up and you give me your big smile, it makes my heart melt.

On to your happenings for the month...

Height: 24 inches?
Weight: 13 pounds
Clothes: wearing 3-6 month pajamas and pants, some of your 0-3 onesies still fit you.  
Diaper: size 2
Eating: During the day you go about 2 1/2-3 hours between feedings. You take about 3 bottles (sometimes 4) at daycare each day. You nurse at home about 3-4 times each day.
Sleeping: Each night we put you to sleep in your bassinet between 9-10pm and you sleep until 3-4am. Your bassinet is still in our room, mommy just doesn't want to put you in your crib yet- you still look so little to me! And it's just so much more convenient for nursing to have you right next to me. You take a morning nap, and afternoon nap and sleep for a little "cat nap" at night. On the weekends you sleep in your crib in your room for nap time.
Happening this month:
-your PT was moved to only once a month! You're improving so much!
-You rolled over about a week before turning 4 months. Once you did it once, you're on a "roll" now and seem to do it every time we put you on the floor or on a blanket
-You've been a big "chatter box" this month! Any time we say something to you, you're always smiling and chatting back.
-you had your first Easter!
-It's finally spring time in Wisconsin! We've been able to go outside a couple times to enjoy the weather. We've laid on blankets and enjoyed the cool spring air.
-your 4 month old pictures were hilarious! you tried eating your headband and your 4 month sticker.


April 14, 2015

Hoppy Easter!

We celebrated Easter at the beginning of April, and goodness it's different celebrating when you have kids! Even though Amelia is only 3 months old, she made celebrating Easter even more exciting than other years. We spent the evening before at m parents house, playing games with them and my Aunt Gail & her husband Nick. It was a great evening!

Mommy helped Amelia find her basket!
Easter morning we woke up, had a delicious pancake breakfast and then Amelia "looked" for her Easter baskets. Brad & I got her a 101 Dalmatians (finally out on DVD!), some new books, and a Minnie Mouse towel. My parents got her a basket with a new book and LOTS of new clothes.

Are both of these baskets for me?!
We went to Barb's family's Easter after. It was so nice to see everyone and spend time celebrating the day. Barb gave Amelia an Easter basket with lots of new clothes in it! Brad's cousin Katie dressed up as the Easter Bunny- Amelia took her picture with her! (Even though Bradley & I don't believe in telling our children that the Easter Bunny is real, we didn't mind if Amelia took a picture with Katie. We plan on being honest and telling our children that it's just pretend....). The kids all had an Easter egg hunt and received little gift bags with bubbles, chalk, etc. So cute! 
We then went back to my parents' house to have dinner with my family. My Grandma & Papa gave Amelia a new swim robe/cover up and a new bonnet to wear this summer. And my Aunt Gail gave Amelia a bunch of new clothes also! Such a spoiled little girl!

It was a wonderful family day. We're so blessed to have Amelia here with us now!

xoxo, Tiffany