April 20, 2015

Amelia- 4 months

Oh Miss Amelia- 4 months already!? Where has the time gone! You've officially been in daycare for 2 months now... Which means mommy has been back to work for 2 months now. Every day I pick you up and you give me your big smile, it makes my heart melt.

On to your happenings for the month...

Height: 24 inches?
Weight: 13 pounds
Clothes: wearing 3-6 month pajamas and pants, some of your 0-3 onesies still fit you.  
Diaper: size 2
Eating: During the day you go about 2 1/2-3 hours between feedings. You take about 3 bottles (sometimes 4) at daycare each day. You nurse at home about 3-4 times each day.
Sleeping: Each night we put you to sleep in your bassinet between 9-10pm and you sleep until 3-4am. Your bassinet is still in our room, mommy just doesn't want to put you in your crib yet- you still look so little to me! And it's just so much more convenient for nursing to have you right next to me. You take a morning nap, and afternoon nap and sleep for a little "cat nap" at night. On the weekends you sleep in your crib in your room for nap time.
Happening this month:
-your PT was moved to only once a month! You're improving so much!
-You rolled over about a week before turning 4 months. Once you did it once, you're on a "roll" now and seem to do it every time we put you on the floor or on a blanket
-You've been a big "chatter box" this month! Any time we say something to you, you're always smiling and chatting back.
-you had your first Easter!
-It's finally spring time in Wisconsin! We've been able to go outside a couple times to enjoy the weather. We've laid on blankets and enjoyed the cool spring air.
-your 4 month old pictures were hilarious! you tried eating your headband and your 4 month sticker.


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