May 30, 2015

Amelia- 5 months

5 Months already... when they say time goes by fast- it certainly does!
Height: at your 4 month check up you were around 26 inches (in the 99%!)
so I'm guessing you're around 28 inches.
Weight: 15 pounds (that's a guess)
Clothes: all 3-6 month old clothes now, you're legs are starting to get too long for your pjs though.  
Diaper: size 2
Eating: You started to eat solids! So far we've given you bananas and green beans. You loved them both! You nurse every 3 hours and can sleep through the night. At daycare you take 3-4 bottles still.
Sleeping: Each night we put you to sleep in your bassinet between 9-10pm and you sleep until 4-5am.. Your bassinet is still in our room... and to be honest, you'll probably be staying there for awhile longer still! You still take an am nap, an afternoon nap, and a little "cat" nap after dinner.

Happening this month:
-We had our first Mother's Day! You made me a cute card at daycare along with a flower. And then you & Daddy gave me money to go get a massage. We went to the zoo to celebrate Mother's Day with Oma & Opa and Grandma. Then we went to Plutz family Mother's Day and spent time with everyone. It was a wonderful first Mother's Day!
-In the last month you've been scooting around on the floor more! We lay you down on your back and you're pushing your legs to move yourself around.
-You love rolling over!
-You've become obsessed with your puppies! anytime you see them you start smiling/laughing, talking to them and reaching for them.
-You went on your first "long" car ride to see Aunt Brittany & Andrew in Milwaukee. You did wonderful and slept for the whole time. We took you to Cabela's for the first time!
-You're becoming such a chatter box. You love talking when you're getting your diaper changed or when we're sitting on the couch.
-You're always a happy baby! You wake up smiling and you go to sleep smiling. The only times you cry are when you're hungry, sleepy, or need a diaper changed.

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