July 14, 2015

Amelia- 6 Months

Happy 1/2 Birthday Amelia Lee!
Daddy & I are so blessed to have you in our lives. It's hard to believe you've only been here for 6 months.... we can't imagine what our lives would be like without you here. You bring so much joy & happiness with you!
Height: 28 inches
Weight: 16.5 pounds
Clothes: you're wearing 3-6 month/6 month old clothes 
Diaper: size 2
Eating: You LOVE food! You've been eating solids- cereal, bananas, green beans, pears, peaches. You love to "help" when you're eating and you make the biggest mess on your face! You still nurse every 3 hours during the day.
Sleeping: You're bassinet is still in our room- I love having you close while you're sleeping. You go to bed between 7-8pm, wake up to feed around 10pm, and then go back to bed until (normally) 6am.You still take an am nap, an afternoon nap, and a little "cat" nap after dinner.  

Happening this month:
-In the last month you've been scooting around on the floor more! We lay you down on your back and you're pushing your legs to move yourself around. This is a horrible habit and we're trying to turn you over to your belly to get you to crawl. No luck yet though!
-You love rolling over! You roll from your tummy to back and then back again.
-You are still OBSSESSED with your puppies! Dixie & Clementine are your best friends and anytime they're around you're talking and trying to get to them.
-You're becoming such a chatter box. You love talking when you're getting your diaper changed or when we're sitting on the couch. You can say "mama" and "dada" but it doesn't really mean us yet- you just say it in your chatting.
-Auntie Chelsey graduated from college this month! We took a trip to her graduation from Eau Claire. You staid in a hotel for the first time and you played in the pool! You LOVED the water!
-You were dedicated at church. Oma, Opa, Auntie Courtney, Auntie Chelsey & Todd, Grandma, Grandpa & Judy, Unlce Matt & Aunt Nicole, Great Grandma & Papa, and Great Grandma Plutz came to the church part. We then had a party at our house with all of your great aunts & uncles. Such a blessed day to celebrate your dedication to the Lord.

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