August 23, 2015

Amelia- 8 Months

Height: 28 inches
Weight: 17 pounds(??)
Clothes: you wear 9 month/6-9 month old clothes
Diaper: size 3
Eating: You still love food! You still eat baby food but you get to enjoy "big people food" also at dinner time. You've had bananas, meatloaf,  hotdogs, rice, chicken, mushrooms, zucchini, mashed potatoes and rolls. You LOVED them all, especially the potatoes & mushrooms. You get very angry when people are eating food around you and don't give you any.
Sleeping: You officially sleep in your crib. It was rough for momma to move you to your room but you've done great. It hasn't affected your sleeping schedule at all.

Happening this month:
-You got your first 2 teeth!
-We went cherry picking with Oma! You had so much fun. Daddy gave you a taste of the tart cherries.
-You "monkey" crawl now! You use your arms and try to "walk" with the one leg while crawl with the other leg. It gets you around the house & where you need to be.
-You LOVE standing and pulling yourself up. Anything & everything is used to help you stand.
-We went to a wedding! One of Daddy's fraternity brothers got married (AJ & SAM!). You had fun being passed around by all of daddy's brothers.
-You are officially done with physical therapy. Ms. Alyssa said your clavicle break doesn't seem to affect you at all. Yay! :]]
-We went to the cottage with Grandma in Waupaca. You enjoyed playing in the lake with mommy, daddy, Grandma, Uncle Matt & Aunt Nicole.

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