October 4, 2015

Amelia- 9 months

Height: 28 inches
Weight: 18 pounds
Clothes: 9-12 months/12 months
Diaper: size 3
Eating: You love food! You eat anything & everything that we give you. You get "baby food" at breakfast & lunch at daycare, but at home you get "big people" food. :] So far the only thing you're not in love with is broccoli.
Sleeping: You aren't such a fun of nap time; you normally take a 30 min. morning nap and then a longer afternoon nap. You go to bed around 9pm and sleep till 5am/6am. You sleep all night unless you're teething.

Happening this month:
-You still only have your 2 bottom teeth; no new ones this month.
-You normal crawl now & you're on the move!
-You still LOVE standing and now you can walk around holding onto the furniture or onto your elephant walker.
-It was a pretty low-key month since Mommy went back to teaching 4K.

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