January 23, 2017

Baby Bogie 19/20 Weeks

According to my current due date we're at 20 weeks! Half way there! It's crazy to think we'll be a family of 4 in less than 5 months!

How far along?: 19/20 Weeks
How big is your baby?: the size of a banana

Total weight gain: this week I gained a lb... so total 3 lbs. 

Sex: We find out next week! so excited to finally find out what this little baby is..

Maternity clothes: maternity pants only

  Sleep: I'm still able to sleep on my tummy and I'm pretty comfortable overall.

Symptoms: Morning sickness every morning and really tired still...

Movement: More & more every day! Little "flutters" right now
Best moment this week: We had a surprise party for my father-in-law's retirement. It was so nice to see all of Brad's family members.

Food cravings: Chicken sandwiches

Belly button in or out: in.

What I miss:  not being tired? But that could just be because I have a 2 year old also...
What I'm looking forward to:
-finding out what little baby is!
-going to Florida very soon! 

Xo, Tiffany 

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