January 16, 2017

Baby Bogie #2 - 18/19 Weeks

Whelp! It's not hard to believe but I definitely fell off the blogging bandwagon. BUT! I'm back and planning to use this place as more of a "diary" into the happenings of our family each month. This way- when I'm scrapbooking or writing in baby books I have one easy place to look and don't have to try to remember everything.

We're expecting Baby Bogie #2 to arrive in the middle of June! We're both excited and a little nervous about this new adventure. Right now Amelia is obviously our whole world so we're excited to add to the "party" and see where life takes us. Amelia is soooo excited to be a big sister! She loves babies and will tell you that she's having a little brother (which we don't know yet but she believes that we are... we'll find out soon!)

My sister informed me that I blogged with Amelia and I'm failing already at this whole parents of 2 thing because I haven't blogged at all during this pregnancy. So here I am- starting my blog again and hoping to be better at having 2 kiddos. The second child always gets the "short end of the stick" right? Well I'm the oldest and I tend to think that my parents were more strict with me then they were with my sisters, so parents can never win can they?

I also don't remember when I blogged... the beginning of the week or the end of the week... but this time I'm starting at the beginning of the week.

Anyways... onto baby bogie #2!

How far along?: 18 weeks/19 weeks... I don't know quite which one to say because my due date was moved up. So according to my new due date I'm 19 weeks... 
How big is your baby?: the size of a mango
Total weight gain: up 2 lbs so far

Sex: We find out in 2 weeks! Sooo excited to see what Baby Bogie #2 is :]
Maternity clothes: maternity pants 
  Sleep: I sleep on my tummy (which I always do) and I'm normally sore in the morning when I wake up. And I'm having the craziest dreams.

Symptoms: Morning sickness every morning and really tired 
Movement: Sometimes? Not to often but sometimes I'll feel something and think it's the baby. 
Best moment this week: We made our tshirts for our Disney trip! We leave in less than 3 weeks, so excited!
Food cravings: Chicken sandwiches 

Belly button in or out: in.
What I miss:  nothing really! 
What I'm looking forward to:
-we have a busy 3 weekends ahead of us before we leave for Florida! I'm excited to have a  vacation soon. 
Xo, Tiffany 

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