July 21, 2017

Jedidiah: 1 Month Old

One month old already.... where has the time gone! We are LOVING being a family of 4. Jedidiah is so loved by everyone, especially his big sister Amelia. She is loving having him here, she always wants to hold him and hug him. She's very concerned when he's crying and wants him to "eat boobies" as soon as he starts crying.

Height: 21 inches

Weight: 10 pounds, 1 ounce

Clothes: Jed outgrew newborn clothes after about a week, he's wearing 0-3/3 month old clothes.

Diaper: size 1

Eating: We've made it our first month breastfeeding! It's definitely easier this time around so far. Our first 2 weeks I woke him up every 2-3 hours to eat. After 2 weeks I stopped waking you up at night since you were at your birth weight. At night you go between 4-6 hours of sleep, which is great! During the day you nurse every 2-3 hours and then from about 5-10pm you pretty much nurse every hour. You definitely cluster feed and then sleep during longer during the night, which I'm not complaining about! Oma did give Jed a bottle last week so he could start to get used to them a little bit.

Sleeping: You sleep in our room in your bassinet. You don't love being swaddled and always have your hands sticking out when you wake up for your night feeding. I feed you around 11pm, swaddle & rock you, and then you wake up between 4am-6am to nurse.

Happening this month:

Having a summer baby has been wonderful- especially since big sister Amelia is home and a very energetic toddler!

+you celebrated your first Father's Day with Oma & Opa, Grandpa & Nana, Aunt Courtney, Aunt Chelsey & Uncle Todd, Uncle Matt & Aunt Nicole 

+Had your first 4th of July! We went to the pool party at Grandma's house, fireworks and your first parade! 

+Having a big sister that needs to be kept going means you've gone lots of fun places- we've been to the children's museum, the zoo, and the pool. You're such an easy baby to bring places- as long as your sleeping or nursing, you're always happy! 

+You love looking around and holding your head up! You enjoy tummy time for the most part. 

+You love Amelia! Whenever she's around and talking to you, you're always looking for her.

+You don't mind your car seat, you're always looking around to see what's going on.

+you started smiling! 

Jed- we love having you in our family! You're such an easy baby and everyone loves you already! We can't wait to watch you grow and see your personality starting.


                                                                         Xo, Tiffany

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