August 1, 2017

July Happenings

July! one of my favorite months. I've loved being home on maternity leave this summer- we've been able to enjoy the gorgeous weather and everything summer has to offer...

  • late nights.
  • late mornings.
  • too much ice cream. 
  • busy calendar.
  • delicious fresh fruits & veggies.
  • so much grilled food.
  • swimming.

We've had a great month, very busy but a great month!

+we went to the campground and enjoyed a day with my co-teacher Lisa & her family. We love getting to spend time with her family. Amelia just adores them! It was a great day enjoying the weather and swimming.

+July means the 4th of July! I love dressing Amelia in all things patriotic. It was even more fun dressing both Amelia & Jed this year! They looked adorable in their red,white & blue outfits.
the 4th of July means parades! Our town has a "glow" night parade. Amelia loves the bands and the firetrucks. Jed did great for his first parade- he slept the whole time. we went to Barb's for the annual pool party. we loved getting to spend time with family. & we loved getting in extra time with Quinnley, our new niece! we went to fireworks with my family and Brad's dad & Judy. Amelia loved getting to see the fireworks!

+Brad took some Mondays off this summer so it was nice to enjoy those extra long weekends. We took Amelia to the zoo! She loves animals and had a blast... although if you ask her she'll tell you she did not have fun at the zoo because she couldn't touch the animals. the things that come out of a 2 years old's mouth.

+Jed turned a month old! He's a great baby and we just love him so much.

+we've enjoyed countless trips to the museum. Amelia loves going there!

+we went to EAA and enjoyed looking at all of the airplanes. Amelia had a great time and Jed slept the whole time.

+and to round out our busy July, we met my bff Brittany and her little guy Roman at a wild animal preserve/zoo and spent the afternoon together. We don't live close to each other so anytime we get together is amazing. was a great month, enjoying family time. I've loved being home with the kids this month but am getting excited for school and 4K to start in August. My mom will be staying home with the kids now so that's even more exciting!

August, we're ready for you!

                                                                              Xo, Tiffany

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