Height: 23 1/4 inches (60% tile)
Weight: 13.5 pounds (70%)
Clothes: You're wearing 0-3/3 month old clothes, but you won't be in them much longer.
Diaper: you wear size 1 or size 2, we buy the target brand
Eating: during the day you drink 4 oz bottles, you drink every 2-3 hours; you normally eat around 11pm and then you're good till morning time
Sleeping: You sleep in our room in your bassinet. You're getting used to being swaddled but you can break out and normally aren't swaddled coming morning time. I feed you around 11pm and then you sleep till 4am-6am.
Happenings this month:
+you love being outside
+you love being in your swing!
+you found yourself in the mirror! you love looking at yourself, smiling and giggling
+you took your first trip to the Milwaukee Zoo! you loved getting to be outside and "seeing" the animals
+we took more trips to the children's museum
+we went to the pool! you loved lounging
+we went to EAA! the Blue Angels were flying. you were such a good baby in your car seat; the airplanes & fireworks didn't bother you at all.
+we had a playdate with Aunt Brittany & Roman at the wildlife preserve!
+we went to the cabin with Grandpa & Nana. You slept in the your pack'n'play for the first time. You did amazing! You loved having so many people to "Chat" with
Jedidah- we are smitten with you. Amelia loves having you and is always so worried about you. You are an incredibly "perfect" baby. You eat & sleep great and are always so happy & smiley.
Xo, Tiffany
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