September 17, 2017

Jedidiah--- 3 Months

oh goodness- 3 months already! Jedidiah, you're looking more & more like a "baby" now and not a "newborn." You're always happy and smiling- such a joy to our family.

Height: 23 1/2 inches?

Weight: 15 pounds

Clothes: You wear 3-6 month/6 month old clothes. 
The pants are a little long but the onesies/pjs are perfect. 

Diapers: still size 2

Eating: You drink a bottle every 2-3 hours during the day for Oma. I feed you before I leave for work and then when I get home. You nurse every 2-3 hours. 

Sleeping: You still sleep in your bassiet. You go to bed between 10-11pm normally and then wake up between 6am-7am.

Happenings this month:

+You were dedicated at church. We had a big party for you after with our family. Such a blessed day to celebrate you & your relationship with God.

+you took your first trip to Chicago to the Navy Base.

+you LOVE attention. Amelia is always talking to you. It's so fun to see how much you love her.

+ we went to Eagle River with Grandpa & Nana. You loved the extra attention and enjoyed laying outside!

+we went to the Bookworm Gardens. Such a pretty place!

+you are ALWAYS smiling! The only time you're cranky is when you're hungry or tired, otherwise you're smiling.

+you love your family- you get so excited when mommy & daddy come home. and you're always watching Amelia to see what she's doing.

+you are so nosy! you love sitting up and looking around to see what's going on.

                                                                              Xo, Tiffany

September 2, 2017

August Happenings

Hello August! The last official month of summer. I teach 4K and August means getting ready for the school year. I started a new job this school year. I still teach 4K but now teach at a new daycare center. It's an exciting/nervous time and I'm excited to see what the school year has in store for me!

Now onto our busy month...

+swimming lessons for Amelia ended this month. She's loved getting to go swimming every week in the "big" pool. It's so fun to see how much she enjoys the water!

+Jedidiah was dedicated at church. We had a big party after at our house. It was such a blessed day and we're so thankful for all of our family that was able to join us.

+we took a trip to the Navy base in Chicago!

+We took a trip to the Bookworm gardens. It's this cute little children's botanical gardens based on different stories. Amelia loves going!

+we enjoyed trips to the Farmer's Market--> corn on the cob. balloon animals. cinnamon rolls. fresh veggies.

+many trips to library class! Amelia loves getting to sing songs, listen to stories and watch puppet shows. We've been taking Jedidiah to a "baby" class where we sing songs and they play with toys.

+we enjoyed a weekend getaway with Paul & Judy (Brad's dad.) They rented a cottage for a week and we were able to go up for a night. We enjoyed swimming, fishing, and relaxing. Such a fun time!

+Amelia had a play date with a friend from daycare! She loved getting to see Ethan and misses him every day. Such a blessing they don't live too far and we're able to have playdates.

August has been a great month. Such a perfect "end" to summer. But September brings the beginning of school and (soon!) the beginning of fall.

                                                                              Xo, Tiffany