September 17, 2017

Jedidiah--- 3 Months

oh goodness- 3 months already! Jedidiah, you're looking more & more like a "baby" now and not a "newborn." You're always happy and smiling- such a joy to our family.

Height: 23 1/2 inches?

Weight: 15 pounds

Clothes: You wear 3-6 month/6 month old clothes. 
The pants are a little long but the onesies/pjs are perfect. 

Diapers: still size 2

Eating: You drink a bottle every 2-3 hours during the day for Oma. I feed you before I leave for work and then when I get home. You nurse every 2-3 hours. 

Sleeping: You still sleep in your bassiet. You go to bed between 10-11pm normally and then wake up between 6am-7am.

Happenings this month:

+You were dedicated at church. We had a big party for you after with our family. Such a blessed day to celebrate you & your relationship with God.

+you took your first trip to Chicago to the Navy Base.

+you LOVE attention. Amelia is always talking to you. It's so fun to see how much you love her.

+ we went to Eagle River with Grandpa & Nana. You loved the extra attention and enjoyed laying outside!

+we went to the Bookworm Gardens. Such a pretty place!

+you are ALWAYS smiling! The only time you're cranky is when you're hungry or tired, otherwise you're smiling.

+you love your family- you get so excited when mommy & daddy come home. and you're always watching Amelia to see what she's doing.

+you are so nosy! you love sitting up and looking around to see what's going on.

                                                                              Xo, Tiffany

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