June 27, 2014

14 Weeks

I'm 2 days late posting this, but better late then never!

How far along?: 14 weeks
How big is your baby?: the size of a lemon
Total weight gain: I gained back 1 lb.. so total I've lost 6 lbs.

Sex: Won't find out until August... still very excited regardless! :]
Maternity clothes: None.
  Sleep: still go to bed super early, but I bought a boppy pillow &my back is filling very much better.
Symptoms: Still nauseous...more nauseous than the beginning.
Best moment this week: shopping for maternity clothes with my mom last weekend. So fun!
Food cravings: watermelon, ice cream, rice & pizza

Belly button in or out: in.
What I miss: nothing right now!
What I'm looking forward to: I'm very excited to register for all things baby.

Xo, Tiffany

June 20, 2014

13 Weeks With Baby Bogie!

How far along?: 13 weeks

How big is your baby?: the size of a peach
Total weight gain: None. I've actually lost 7 lbs.

Sex: I think it's a boy... Bradley had a dream about week before we found and he swears he knows the gender & refuses to tell me what he thinks.
Maternity clothes: None.
  Sleep: I go to sleep every night by 9pm... I've been sleeping fine except my back is already hurting in the morning. (I have a horrible back so that's not surprising.)
Symptoms: Still nauseous...more nauseous than the beginning.
Best moment this week: Our doctor appointment this week! We saw baby, who was very active & moving around!
Food cravings: watermelon, ice cream, rice & pizza

Belly button in or out: in.
What I miss: nothing right now!
What I'm looking forward to: everything! Picking out nursery theme, registering, our next ultrasound to find out the gender, and all of the fun things about being pregnant!

Xo, Tiffany

We're having a BABY!

Incase you haven't heard... We're Pregnant! And we couldn't be more happier/excited/scared/nervous/anxious and pretty much every emotion in the book.

Now that we have something very special to look forward to, I'm trying to get into the habit of blogging more. I want to be able to remember everything as well as possible.

So here's the story of how we found out we were having this little bundle...

 Right around when we were going on vacation for spring break, I figured out that I was a couple days late. Nervously, I went to the store and bought the pregnancy tests. Not wanting to take the test "too soon" & be disappointed, I waited a couple days. Well, once I took the test... lo-and-behold! The test didn't work... a big fat, "try again." Super disappointed, I assumed that meant I wasn't pregnant and decided not to use the other test.

We started our road trip to Washington DC on Friday, April 18th. A looooong 14 hour car ride. I felt pretty car sick the entire time but just assumed that was because we were in the car so long. On Saturday, April 19th we toured Washington DC and enjoyed the gorgeous weather outside. I was still feeling a little "blah" that day. I had brought the other pregnancy test and decided I might as well take it. So when we went back to the hotel that afternoon, I took the test... and it didn't waste any time turning positive! I showed the test to Brad and we were both so excited!

We decided that we were going to keep our wonderful news a secret for awhile. It's been super hard not telling anyone but we're excited to finally tell everyone. It was a difficult 13 weeks keeping our secret, but it made Father's Day weekend that much more exciting when we finally told our families & friends.
We're very excited to start this new journey and can't wait for December to get here! Obviously we have LOTS to do before then. Keep checking back as I'll try to post weekly how things are progressing.

1 Samuel 1:27 "For this child I prayed; and the Lord hath given me my petition which I asked of him:"

Xo, Tiffany


June 15, 2014

3 Years... Where did the time go?!

It's been a busy week with it being the last week of 4K, finishing progress reports, having graduation, and packing up the classroom... I've been slacking in the writing/reading blogs lately.

On Wednesday, Brad & I celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary! 3 years already... where did the time go?!
As I think back to our wedding, it's one of the my favorite days ever. We were so blessed to have amazing weather, everything stayed on time, & we were blessed to have so many family members & friends there to celebrate with us. We had an amazing reception and danced with everyone allllllll night, then spent time swimming with friends in the hotel pool. People still tell us that the food at our wedding was the best food they've ever had, y'all gotta love "family style fried chicken dinner"!
In the last 3 years, we've been through a lot and have definitely grown as a couple. We've started new jobs, moved to 2 new towns, bought a house, bought another dog, and gone on countless trips/vacations. I can honestly say the last 3 years have been amazing and I can't wait to see what God blesses us with next.
Here's to love.... and to my love! Happy Anniversary (a couple days late)!
Xo, Tiffany