February 21, 2017

Baby Bogie #2 ---> 23/24 Weeks

This is what happens when I go on vacation! I forget to post for 3 weeks... in other news not related to this post... We had a great trip to Florida! such a wonderful time spent with my family.

How far along?: 23/24 weeks

How big is your baby?: the size of a cantaloupe

Total weight gain: 5 lbs total

Sex: We're having a little boy! Yay!

Maternity clothes: maternity pants  everyday, maternity shirts depending on my mood

  Sleep: I sleep great... I'm exhausted & ready for bed early most nights

Symptoms: not too bad lately! morning sickness varies but it's not everyday anymore-- yay!

Movement: alllllllll the time! this baby is always moving!

Best moment this week: Warm weather!

Food cravings: always chicken & ice cream

Belly button in or out: in.

What I miss:  not being sore!

What I'm looking forward to: doctor's appointment next weeks= listening to the heartbeat. Yay!

Xo, Tiffany 

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