February 28, 2017

February Happenings

Tomorrow is March... hopefully that means the snow will be melting soon and spring weather will be joining us! 

Most people know that I'm a planner... I love having a full calendar and having a million different activities to do with Brad & Amelia... so I have been in full "planning" mode for spring activities and summer activities. Does anyone love holidays as much as me!? Holidays are a great excuse for new clothes and taking a million pictures, both are things I know my husband puts up with to keep me happy. So I'm in the hunt for Amelia's Easter outfit and fun Easter activities to do. Finding a cute Easter outfit is hard work when your child refuses to wear dresses. 

I'm also sure that I'm driving Brad crazy with my planning of summer activities already.. but in my defense just because I'll be home on maternity leave doesn't mean I don't want to enjoy my summer time with him & Amelia & new baby brother! Summer is my favorite time, there's endless opportunities and fun things to do... 

So back to February... 

+we were able to go to Florida! We went with my parents and sisters/boyfriend to Orlando. A trip to Orlando means delicious foods, yummy drinks, warm weather, summer clothes, shopping & swimming. 

+a trip to Orlando also means a trip to Disney! Riding tons of rides, parades of characters, meeting your favorite Disney characters, eating Mickey-shaped foods, drinking dole whips, trying new foods, wearing matching shirts, and experiencing "disney" magic with a toddler. I love going to Disney and I'm so blessed we were able to enjoy that time with Amelia before she becomes a big sister!

+coming home to some "surprising" warm weather! It was great for a couple days to enjoy the sun and then winter & snow came back full force. But I'd much rather have snow in February than snow in April... positive thoughts right?

+February is also "birthday month" in our family! Mine & Brad's birthday are in February. It's nice to celebrate another year older and to be thankful for all of the blessings we've had in the past year. Turning 29 is exciting and I'm excited for all the adventures my last year in my 20's will bring. Here's to hoping it's the best year yet. 

+we were able to enjoy some fun family time. We went clothes shopping and bought some fun new outfits for Amelia for summer! 

+we found out that we're having a little boy! we're very excited, nervous, anxious, and tons of other emotions about this new adventure. ((not to brag...)) Amelia has been such an EASY little girl so we're excited to see what this little boy will bring to our family. Amelia is so excited to be a big sister and to have her "baby brother" join us. she thinks it's very fun to talk to my belly and say hello to "baby brother." if anyone has any name suggestions, we're open to suggestions! we went through our baby clothes to see what we all need... the answer is clothes. lots & lots of clothes. Amelia had sooooo many outfits but of course the majority is all girly! We did go buy some outfits in the excitement of finding out he's a boy && we bought some little outfits at Disney. ((but let's be honest... little boy clothes just aren't as cute as little girl clothes...))

+Brad & I were able to enjoy a date day this month! We went to lunch and the movies. ((I'm a big believer in relationships are all about what YOU put into them. You can't expect people to do things for you or want to be with you if YOU aren't making an effort in the relationship.)) Because of this mindset I'm a firm believer in "dating" my spouse, yes we're "mom & dad" but we're also husband & wife. and we'll be husband & wife long after our kids leave the house. i love getting to spend time with just Brad, going to lunch and just talking about anything & everything; sometimes life is just busy and it's easy to forget to talk besides the everyday talks. Brad & I have been together since we were 15, we're 29... that's 14 years of being a couple and we're drastically different now than we were at 15. it's important for us to spend time together and keep our relationship alive. 

+we spent time celebrating our birthdays with Brad's mom & brother/sister-in-law, and Barb's fiance & kids. It's always nice to get together with family, enjoy birthday cake and spend time talking. Everyone has such busy lives and it's nice to spend time together.

Happy almost March everyone! Here's to warmer weather, family gatherings & outings, and preparing for the arrival of baby #2 the beginning of summer. 

Xo, Tiffany

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