November 18, 2017

Jedidiah ----> 5 Months

It's hard to believe that we're already at 5 months old. Jed is definitely not looking like a little baby anymore. We love smiley happy little guy so much! 

Height: 24.5 inches?

Weight: 18 pounds 

Clothes: You wear 6 month old pants but we just transitioned you to 6-9 month old onesies and pajamas. You have short legs but a long torso.  

Diapers: still size 2 for now, once the box runs out you'll be moved up to size 3.

Eating: You drink a bottle every 2-3 hours during the day for Oma. I feed you before I leave for work and then when I get home. You nurse every 2-3 hours on the weekends.

You just started eating solids! We've been giving you pureed baby for now. You've had sweet potatoes, peaches, pears, and bananas. Bananas are definitely your favorite! You get so mad when you're food is all gone. You love getting to sit at the table with the family though.

Sleeping: You still sleep in your bassinet. You go to bed around 9-10pm normally and then wake up between 6am-7am.

Happenings this month:

+you had your first wedding and a sleep in a hotel! You were not a huge fan of your pack-n-play this time and didn't really want to sleep. It was definitely a long night. You went to the Disney store for the first time and went swimming for the first time.

+It's fall time so that means pumpkin picking! We went to Little Farmer with everyone- Oma & Opa and Auntie Courtney, Auntie Chelsey & Uncle Todd. We enjoyed caramel apples! We went to the pumpkin patch again with Grandpa & Nana, Uncle Matt & Aunt Nicole and Quinnley. We got pumpkins and gourds, enjoyed playing in the corn maze and spending time outside. 

+you had your first Halloweens! We went to the zoo with Grandpa & Nana, and Oma & Opa. You were cowboy Woody. You loved getting to see the animals. On Halloween you were an elephant- we went trick or treating with Oma & Opa and Auntie Chelsey and uncle Todd; and then Grandma came over on Halloween.

+Grandpa & Nana babysat you while mommy & daddy went to a wedding. 

+you rolled over from your back to your belly! You've only done it once or twice; you're just so content and happy that you have no desire to roll over; you just find something to play with in whatever position you're in.

+you LOVE your big sister. whenever Amelia is around you love looking at her and laughing. You think that everything she does is hilarious. 

Jedidiah- you bring such laughter and happiness to our family. We can't wait to see what you bring to our family as you continue to grow.

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