September 24, 2014

27 Weeks- hello 3rd trimester!

How far along?: 27 weeks
How big is your baby?: the size of a head of rutabaga
Total weight gain: I lost 2 lbs. this week.... So total- a 2 lb. gain overall

Sex: We're having a little GIRL!!
Maternity clothes: Every now & then I wear my maternity shirts depending on my mood. But nothing every day yet.
  Sleep: sleep is going well.. my "boppie" pillow is amazing :]
Symptoms: I'm starting to feel more tired at the end of the day. I can't wait to come home most nights and do nothing. :]]]
Movement: Baby Bogie likes to move around at night and I feel her lots during the day. We're very excited that we can feel her moving around more.
Best moment this week: We went "hair bow" shopping last weekend. We went and got lots of ribbons and I'm excited to start working on some hair bows for her.
Food cravings: Milk- that's all I've been drinking lately.

Belly button in or out: in.
What I miss:  not being sore, but other than that things are going great!
What I'm looking forward to: we're going to a craft fair this weekend with my parents. I LOVE craft fairs and everything fall! :]]] Sooo excited!
Xo, Tiffany 

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