March 30, 2017

Baby Bogie ----> 28/29 Weeks

How far along?: 28/29 Weeks  (7 months!)

How big is your baby?: the size of an acorn squash

Total weight gain: 0 lbs this weeks (8 pounds total)

Sex: We're having a little boy! 

Maternity clothes: maternity pants every day and most days maternity shirts

  Sleep: I go to bed super tired and now I'm starting to wake up a million times in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and then I can't fall back asleep. Yuck.

Symptoms: just tired and sore by the end of the day.

Movement: alllllllll the time! this baby is always moving! He especially loves moving at night time.

Best moment this week: My best friend Brittany came up with her husband and their 1 year old. It was sooo exciting to just chill, talk, and enjoy each other's company without feeling rushed. The kiddos played, we enjoyed dinner out and spent lots of time catching up & talking. It's always so wonderful to be with friends you don't see everyday and nothing changes.

-Also this week I had my last "monthly" doctor appointment, we're onto the 2 appointments a month now; that's how you know you're getting into the "home stretch" for baby.

Food cravings: food doesn't ever sound appealing right now.... unless it's ice cream or chicken. everything else honestly seems to make me sick.

Belly button in or out: in.

What I miss:  nothing that I miss, just starting to get really excited and anxious for baby boy!

What I'm looking forward to: April starts this weekend! Which means that Easter is coming up and spring is in the air (hopefully).

Xo, Tiffany

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