March 31, 2017

March Happenings

March. That word alone is enough to drive me crazy living in Wisconsin. Winter doesn't know if it wants to leave and spring is being lazy in it's arrival. We've had many weeks where the weather goes from sunny & 50's to the next day being 30's & snowing... Here's to hoping that with April's arrival, spring will finally decide to stick around. 

+March meant birthday month for my daddy! It was nice to get together with my parents and my sisters to celebrate my dad's day. Amelia helped Oma make an ice cream cake for her Opa! She was so excited to help.

+We also got together with Brad's dad Paul & his girlfriend Judy & Matt & Nicole for February birthday month celebrations. It's always nice to hang out and enjoy the time together. 

+We also had an impromptu last minute dinner with Paul & Judy on St. Patrick's day. It's nice living so close to them now and being able to text at lunch and say "hey want to meet for dinner...??" 

+My best friend Brittany came to visit with her husband & their 1 year old little guy Roman. It was so nice to just chill out, enjoy the time together and talk, talk, & more talking. We enjoyed dinner together and letting the kiddos play while we relaxed & talked. We don't live super close to each other anymore so it's always when we're able to make the 3 hour trip to visit... which is never enough time together! 

+one super ucky thing about March meant our house was plagued with illness. Brad & Amelia have been sick on & off for the last 2 weeks. I'm so ready for warmer weather to open windows and get some fresh air in the house. I'm so blessed to have my mom watch Amelia on Wednesday. I never ask her to but she knows tired I am being (this) pregnant so she cleans and spruces up our house for me. Such a huge blessing to me & my family.

+March called for two trips to the Children's museum for Amelia. Brad & I were able to enjoy a day trip with her. && my mom took her there for their Dr. Seuss birthday celebration. Her favorite things are painting and playing in the water area. She would sit and paint for hours if you let her.

+we also totally partook in DQ's free ice cream cone on the first day of spring. Amelia was so excited to get "black" ice cream and wanted to make sure that I gave some to baby brother also. 

With April also comes the 7th month of my pregnancy. It's starting to feel closer and closer and we're anxiously counting down the days till baby boy joins us. Every night Amelia kisses my belly and says "good night baby brother". She is so excited to touch my belly and feel "him kickin' me". She loves babies so I know she's going to be a great big sister & helper. April's going to be a great, busy month filled with lots of family time and enjoying our time together as a family of 3.

Xo, Tiffany

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