April 4, 2017

Baby Bogie ----> 29/30 Weeks

How far along?: 29/30 Weeks  (7 months!)

How big is your baby?: the size of a zucchini

Total weight gain: 10 pounds

Sex: We're having a little boy! 

Maternity clothes: maternity pants every day and most days maternity shirts, weekends I wear my regular shirts if we're not going anywhere.

  Sleep: sleeping is not fun, I wake up a million times and it takes forever to fall back asleep.

Symptoms: definitely starting to not feel well after eating again, nothing sounds good and my stomach is upset after eating normally. My stomach is also hurting a lot lately whenever I've been moving around or standing too long.

Movement: alllllllll the time! this baby is always moving! He especially loves moving at night time.

Best moment this week: We went Easter present shopping for Amelia and got some more clothes for summer. Other then that, I wasn't feeling too well and just wanted to relax.

Food cravings: food doesn't ever sound appealing right now.... unless it's ice cream or chicken. everything else honestly seems to make me sick.

Belly button in or out: in.

What I miss:  nothing that I miss, just starting to get really excited and anxious for baby boy!

What I'm looking forward to: We have busy weekend this week... Amelia has gymnastics and starts swimming lessons. & We'll be going to the Easter egg hunt at the zoo, plus having Easter at my parents' house. Also- we're having the baby shower for Matt & Nicole's little girl.

Xo, Tiffany

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