April 20, 2017

Baby Bogie -----> 31/32 Weeks

Hello 8th month of pregnancy!

How far along?: 31/32 Weeks  (8 months!)

How big is your baby?: the size of a asparagus

Total weight gain: 1 lb this week so total 11 lbs.

Sex: We're having a little boy! 

Maternity clothes: maternity pants every day and most days maternity shirts, weekends I wear my regular shirts if we're not going anywhere.

  Sleep: Sleep is glorious because I've been exhausted by the time bed time comes around, however I still wake up a million times during the night.

Symptoms: definitely more Braxton hicks contractions everyday, multiple times a day

Movement: He's always moving around!

Best moment this week:
-washed & put away baby brother's clothes ✔
-washed and put away bottle parts & pumping parts ✔
-had Easter! Amelia loves spending time with family and she was soo excited to
find her Minnie basket in the closet.
- played outside! The weather was gorgeous and we were able to play outside and enjoy it.

Food cravings: ice cream. alllllll the time.

Belly button in or out: in.

What I miss:  not being sore alllll the time, and I miss sleeping on my belly.

What I'm looking forward to: Bradley & I are planning one more date night before baby arrives. So excited to spend time together before life gets more crazy.

Xo, Tiffany

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