April 30, 2017

April Happenings

I can't believe that April is over... and it's already almost May... It's only about 6/7 more weeks until baby brother gets here. We're so excited to have our new addition joining us but also a little nervous. Change is always nerve-wracking right!? Either way adding a little boy to the mix is going to be a great adventure. One we're very excited for!

+Amelia started swimming lessons! She was soo excited to go swimming with Mommy and loved being in the water. The little fish was not excited that mommy was in the water helping her though, "I no need you mommy" is what she kept saying to me. So excited to see her so independent but also heartbreaking because she's only 2!

+We went to the Easter egg hunt at church. Amelia loves going to church and dancing & singing songs to "baby Jesus." It was gorgeous weather and the egg hunt was able to be outside. So fun!

+We had birthday dinner at my parents house for my mom/ Easter celebrations. My mom had an Easter egg hunt for Amelia. My grandparents were there also. So nice to spend time together!

+We also had Nicole's baby shower/Matt's diaper party for their little girl. So exciting to have a niece arriving soon! It'll be very fun for baby brother to have a cousin so close in age.

+We celebrated Easter with Barb and her family. It's always nice to get together with family for holidays. It's nice for Amelia to get to see everyone.

+Easter means an Easter basket! Amelia loved looking for her Minnie basket all over the house. And she was so excited for her Easter egg hunt.

+I'm definitely in "nesting" mode. I cleaned and organized all the bottles, pumping parts, and all of baby brother's clothes. He'll be here before we know it and I definitely want to make sure we're as ready as can be.

April was a busy month with lots of family gatherings. But I love family gatherings and getting to see everyone. It's been great getting to spend time outside with Amelia outside and enjoy the weather. So excited to enjoy the next couple weeks as a family of 3 before life gets busier and a new baby joins the mix.

Xo, Tiffany

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