May 4, 2017

Baby Bogie ---> 33/34 Weeks

How far along?: 33/34 Weeks 

How big is your baby?: the size of a durian

Total weight gain: none this week, +12 total 

Sex: We're having a little boy! 

Maternity clothes: maternity pants and whatever shirt I feel like wearing that day

  Sleep: still waking up during the night and having  a hard time falling asleep

Symptoms: Braxton hicks contractions everyday & they hurt!

Movement: Little guy moves all around alllllll the time

Best moment this week: Brad & I had our last "date" night before baby brother arrives. We went to the movies & saw the new "Beauty & The Beast." Amelia had a sleepover at Oma & Opa's house.

Food cravings: ice cream. alllllll the time.

Belly button in or out: in.

What I miss:  nothing much really, just getting really uncomfortable so just ready for that to be over.

What I'm looking forward to: the goal is to build Amelia & baby brother their swing set this weekend. Hopefully the weather stays nice out and the guys will be able to get that all ready. Sooo excited!

Xo, Tiffany

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