May 8, 2017

Baby Bogie ---> 34/35 Weeks

How far along?: 34/35 Weeks 

How big is your baby?: the size of a squash

Total weight gain: 1 this week, so +13

Sex: We're having a little boy! 

Maternity clothes: maternity pants and whatever shirt I feel like wearing that day

  Sleep: still waking up a couple times a night

Symptoms: sore alllllll the time, it hurts to move; and I have contractions every day

Movement: He's kicking all the time

Best moment this week: Brad, Grandpa & Opa started building Amelia's swing set! She's sooo excited for them to finish it so she can play on it.

Food cravings: ice cream. alllllll the time.

Belly button in or out: in.

What I miss:  not being sore all the time, not getting hot every time I'm walking around/moving for longer periods of time

What I'm looking forward to: Mother's Day is this weekend! So excited to spend time with family. Brad & Paul will be working on the swing set again.

Labor Signs: I was checked at my appointment today. I'm 1cm dilated and the baby head is down and looooow.

Xo, Tiffany

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