May 30, 2017

May Happenings.

It's the end of May, which means it's almost time for baby brother to be here. We're very excited for our new adventure to join our family. May was a busy month; enjoying our time together as a family of 3.

+Brad & Paul built Amelia her swing set! She loves her clubhouse and her slides/swings. Amelia loves going outside to play with on her new swing set.

+Mother's Day we were able to enjoy time with both of our moms. We went to Matt & Nicole's house for dinner with Barb. We then enjoyed our day at the zoo with both moms. Going to the zoo on Mother's Day is a fun family tradition that we've done since my first Mother's Day. Amelia loved getting to feed the giraffes and looking at the animals. After the zoo we went to a cookout at my parents house.

+to celebrate Memorial Day we went to the Memorial Day parade in town. Judy and my mom joined Amelia & I. She loved getting to hear the bands and seeing the firetrucks.

May was a pretty relaxing overall. We spent a lot of time enjoying our little family and getting things finished around the house. Amelia enjoyed swimming lessons and gymnastics and loved getting to play outside.

Here's to May ending.... We're excited for June to arrive!

Xo, Tiffany

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