October 16, 2012

Me, Myself, && I LinkUp [[October Edition]]

Me, Myself & I ---> October.

1. What is your favorite season and why?
Seasons. I literally love every season! It's hard for me to pick one.

Fall: I have a soft spot for fall. I love the changing in the weather, being able to wear sweaters && boots, I love apples, pumpkins, any fall decoration. I loooove leaves- & I mean I LOVE leaves. I'm 24 years old & could spend an entire weekend raking leaves and jumping into the pile.

Spring: I love rain. && I love getting to see flowers start blooming and everything starting to "come back to life" after a Wisconsin winter.

Summer: I love warm weather. Wearing flip flops. Shorts. Spending the weekend on the beach/on the lake. Camping. Bonfires. Music festivals. Reading books at the park.

Winter: There's no winter like a Wisconsin winter. I promise. I lived in North Carolina & Arizona when I was younger (along with some time spent living in Pennsylvania & California) but I loooove living in Wisconsin. & I even love the snow. I love drinking hot chocolate. Sledding. Christmas & Thanksgiving are in the winter, and those are my favorite holidays. Listening to Christmas music.

So for me, it's really hard to pick just one season that I love- because I really do love them all.

2. Talk about a moment that changed your life.
Getting married. Before I got married, I still lived at home with my parents. Other than going to college & living in the dorms/sorority house, I've always lived at home. The only guys I've ever lived with have been my dad and my Papa, so living with Brad in the beginning was MAJOR culture shock. Boys are just different than girls. When I got married, I was suddenly a "grown up" with a big responsibilities. I was someone's "wife"... I wouldn't change getting married for anything in the world. I love being married to Bradley. Every day is a new adventure. We've been married since June 2011 (a year and a half-ish) and I still wake up every morning/go to bed every night thanking God that he brought Brad to my life.

3. If you could be any Crayola Crayon color, what color would you be?
Royal Purple. I'm big on purple right now.

4. Describe yourself as a superhero. Name? Sidekick?

My super hero name would be... Night Woman... something along those lines. Not very catchy I know... but that's what first came to my mind... I'm horribly scared of the dark and the "creepers" that lurk out there, so my power would be night vision, the ability to see anything & everything at night. I also really want the ability to freeze things with my eyes... My sidekick? Nightman? ;]

5. If you had all the money in the world, but could only shop at 3 stores, which ones would they be?
3 stores... well I looove Maurice's, Sears, & Victoria's Secret. 

 XoXo- Tiffany

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