October 8, 2012

Show & Tell ---> The "IF" game

Here's another week of linking up with "Show & Tell" from Mrs. to Mama


1. If you could relive any memory in your life, tell us what it would be, and what/if anything you would change about it? 
My wedding day <3... my day went by way to fast!  I woke up at 5am to get ready and before I knew it it was 2am and I was finally going to bed. My mom did my hair in the morning, we went to the church and got ready. Brad & I did pictures before the ceremony ((I know, I know... how un-traditional....), we were able to have a private meeting just us & the photographer, we did all of our family & wedding party photos before the ceremony also. Our ceremony was "short & sweet", barely 30 minutes. We went to some local parks & took some more photos after. The reception was amazing, food was great, DJ was awesome, our blue polka dot cake was delicious, and our family & friends made the night absolutely perfect. After the reception we went to the pool & sat in the hot tub till 2am with Brad's fraternity brothers & some friends. 

If I could change anything... to try to sloooow the day down. Before I knew what was happening, the day was over! It was a wonderful day though, & I wouldn't change anything.

2. If you could be any celebrity or well-known person, show us who you would be.

Princess Catherine... who doesn't want to be a Princess?!

3. If you won the lottery, tell us would take the lump sum or take the money overtime, would you continue working or quit right away, would you reveal who you are, and what are some of the first things you would spend with your money?

Depending on how much money I won... large sum=lump sum... small sum=money overtime. I would probably continue to work. I get really bored just sitting at home, and I would miss working with kids everyday. I would tell my friends & family.. other then that.. why do people need to know!? With the money I would ---> pay off my student loans. buy a house in North Carolina for my family to vacation at. travel around the world for a couple months. get Brad & I new cars. give some to our parents for everything they've done for us. donate to Autism Speaks and an animal shelter.

4. If you could live anywhere, show us where it would be and tell us why.

 I want to live on the beach in North Carolina. I miss living by the ocean more than anything.

I loooove log homes. && being in the country/outdoors in Wisconsin. A log home on a lake is another must have.
5. If you could have one magic power, what would be and what would you do with it?
I'm a huge coward at night... I'm very scared of the dark and all of the "creepers" that are lurking around. So my power I would want would be Night Vision to be to see in the dark. && I'd also really like to be able to freeze things with my eyes. That way I can freeze the bad guys if they're ever after me.

I'll post an update tomorrow on mine & Brad's busy lives the past couple weeks. I feel like I haven't even written anything on here in a while. 

XoXo- Tiffany!  

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