July 9, 2014

16 Weeks

Aahhh! 16 weeks... we're at 4 months! I'm so excited! That means roughly... 170 days to go (give or take obviously.)

How far along?: 16 weeks
How big is your baby?: the size of an avacado
Total weight gain: gained a pound this week, so total I've lost 5 pounds.

Sex: Won't find out until August... still very excited regardless! :]
Maternity clothes: None.
  Sleep: I still go to bed early, but I've been feeling less exhausted during the day.
Symptoms: I'm starting to feel a little uncomfortable, especially after sitting or standing too long.
Movement: None yet.
Best moment this week: celebrating the 4th of July with family at my mother-in-law's pool party. ALSO! We bought new living room furniture- we're finally going to have "grown up" living room furniture and not hand-me downs. I'm sooo excited for it to be delivered!
Food cravings: chocolate and salty foods

Belly button in or out: in.
What I miss: nothing right now!
What I'm looking forward to: We're spending the weekend going to a Brewers game with friends & celebrating my sister's birthday with family. I'm excited for a fun weekend! And- our new furniture will be delivered next week. Yay!

Xo, Tiffany

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