July 31, 2014

19 Weeks

How far along?: 19 weeks
How big is your baby?: the size of a mango
Total weight gain: up 2 lbs. this week, so total I've lost 2 pounds.

Sex: We find out in 2 weeks! I'm anxiously counting down the days until we find out what baby bogie is! My opinion changes every day on what I think the gender is. Some days I'm really feeling & thinking boy & other days I swear it's a girl. Either way, we're both very excited! 
Maternity clothes: None yet.
  Sleep: sleep is going well.. my "boppie" pillow is amazing :]
Symptoms: Super sore lately. Anytime I move or walk around for awhile..
Movement: None yet... hopefully soon! :]
Best moment this week: It's been a pretty stressful week with school & work related things going on. I'm just excited for this week to be over.
Food cravings: sweets! ice cream and cupcakes. (clearly why I gained 2 pounds! lol.)

Belly button in or out: in.
What I miss: not being sore every time I move!
What I'm looking forward to: Painting the nursery (soon!) and hopefully feeling the baby moving around soon! I'm starting to get anxious.
Xo, Tiffany 

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