July 5, 2014

15 Weeks With Baby Bogie!

It was a busy week with school and lots to do at work. I started this post on Wednesday (on 15 weeks) but never got around until now to finish it.
How far along?: 15 weeks
How big is your baby?: the size of a navel orange
Total weight gain: stayed the same.. so total I've lost 6 lbs.

Sex: Won't find out until August... still very excited regardless! :]
Maternity clothes: None.
  Sleep: I still go to bed early, but I've been feeling less exhausted during the day.
Symptoms: Nothing really right now. Feeling great :]
Best moment this week: Brad & I went & registered for baby items this past weekend. So fun but sooo overwhelming!
Food cravings: chocolate and salty foods

Belly button in or out: in.
What I miss: nothing right now!
What I'm looking forward to: Our 4th of July pool party at my mother-in-law's house. I'm sooo excited to go swimming!

Xo, Tiffany

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