July 23, 2014

18 Weeks with Baby Bogie!

How far along?: 18 weeks
How big is your baby?: the size of a sweet potato
Total weight gain: 0 this week, so total I've lost 4 pounds.

Sex: Won't find out until August... still very excited regardless! :]
Maternity clothes: None yet
  Sleep: sleep is going well.. my "boppie" pillow is amazing :]
Symptoms: Super sore lately. Anytime I move or walk around for awhile..
Movement: None yet... hopefully soon! :]
Best moment this week: hhhmm... We've started to pick out colors and such for the baby room. We haven't picked a definite color, but we've started to get idea.
Food cravings: Nothing really "craving"... Some foods just "sound" better than others.

Belly button in or out: in.
What I miss: not being sore every time I move!
What I'm looking forward to: We're going to see my bestie Brittany & her husband this weekend & go to a Brewer game. Very excited to see them! 
Xo, Tiffany 

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