July 26, 2012

Catching Up On Life

[[siiiiggghh]]... It is Thursday right? I don't know if it's this way for you, but for me- this week seems to be never ending!

After a pretty fun, & very low key weekend- I'm ready for the week to be over so I can enjoy another weekend like the last one!

-Last weekend Brad & I were blessed with the opportunity to attend the wedding of my former co-worker/high school friend Drew & his fiance Shanon. I've known Drew for probably 8 years now. We worked together at good ol' McDonalds and went to high school together. They're wedding was beautiful & it was wonderful to see them both so happy!

-After the wedding Bradley & I had date night! We went & saw Disney's "Brave". It definitely wasn't what I thought it was going to be- but I loved it! && we had the theater to ourselves! Nothing like talking and being ridiculous the whole time!

-the rest of the weekend was spent enjoying our time together & having a "Dawson's Creek" marathon. 
love it. :]

.... this weekend Brad & I don't have many plans. Just watching the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics and having more "Dawson's Creek" marathon. We're thinking of checking out some open houses- to get ideas of things we like in houses and what we can get for what price. Has anyone been through the home buying process recently?! Bradley & I are just starting to look at places and are still trying to figure out the whole process and our wants/needs in houses. It's a little complicated!

here's to tomorrow being Friday! :]

XoXo- Tiffany

July 23, 2012

9 o'clock #photoadayjuly

Driving over the bridge at 9pm on my way to the movies with the hubby!


XoXo- Tiffany

Eyes #photoadayjuly


XoXo- Tiffany

Animal #photoadayjuly

It just happened that on the day that was animal, was the day that my 3 year olds went to the zoo! How perfect was that?!

How cute are these wolves? Precious!


XoXo- Tiffany


Plate #photoadayjuly


XoXo- Tiffany

July 19, 2012

Showering the future Mrs. Hummel!

ooohhh Bridal showers... I don't know about you, but I LOVE bridal showers! Honestly. I think there's something so sweet and fun about showering the future bride with warm wishes, dishes, & things to go with kisses! ;]

My cousin Rob is marrying is wonderful fiance TeriJo in September. Hard to believe that my "LITTLE" cousin is old enough to be getting married! Eeek! I'm only a year older than him but it still makes me feel old! TeriJo's bridal shower was this evening. It was such a fun time! Food, games, gifts, and many memories shared with laughter. That's what bridal showers are for right? Wishing the bride good luck in the future and helping her prepare their future home... all with some giggles and embarrassing the bride! [poor TJ! you got more embarrassing gifts then I did at mine! I feel for ya!] TeriJo & Rob were blessed with many wonderful gifts for their future home together, but I think they were more blessed with all the wonderful people in their lives.

Congrats to Rob & TeriJo! I can't wait till you're wedding- it's going to be wonderful.

*Here's a wish for dreams come true, from the first moment you say "I Do!"*

XoXo- Tiffany

July 15, 2012

Open #photoadayjuly

I know that I'm a little behind in posting these... but I swear I take the picture every day & just never get around to posting them. However! It's wayyyy past my bed time so tonight I'm only posting this one and will post the other ones tomorrow.

Friday's photo challenge was open... I was hoping and praying allllll day that when we got to the Brewer game, the roof would be open. and success! it was! yay!


Who doesn't love Baseball on a Friday night?!

XoXo- Tiffany

A Little Family Time

Well another week has come & gone... it's hard to believe there's only 2 more full weeks in July.. Where has the summer gone already?! The week was kind of a long & busy week for Bradley & I.

-My mom & I had a Lia Sophia party this week! It was a great time looking at all the gorgeous jewelry! My sisters and I had a blast picking out alllllll the jewelry that we wanted. It was a great evening spent with some great friends. 

-My sister Courtney turned 22 this week! 22! It's hard to believe that she's 22 already. She's become such an amazing, hard working, fun young woman. She's a blast to hang out with & she's one of my best friends. I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful relationship with both of my sisters. I know that we'll always have each others backs.

a picture of my dad & I with Courtney the she was born! 22 year ago

-Friday night Bradley & I went to the Brewer game! Probably the BEST Brewer game I've been to in a loooong time! It was create-your-own sign night! Brad and I decorated one.. my sign said "Go Brewers" and Bradley's said "What She Said" with a big arrow pointing to mine. We made the BIG SCREEN at the game with our signs! Score! We also saw a row of people being escorted out by the police, some drunk people spilling their beers on the people in front of them, and the Brewers came back to win with a grand slam in the bottom of the 8th. We also got to enjoy tailgating with my parents and sisters before the game.

-Saturday we went to Lifest! It's a big Christian musical festival here in Oshkosh. We saw a couple bands and spent some time with my aunt, my uncle & aunt, my grandma and some family friends. It was a nice enjoyable afternoon. We then headed to my parents house to hang out! 

-Today we went to my mother-in-law's to go swimming and visit with her for a little bit. It was nice relaxing afternoon spent swimming and catching up. Once we got home we spent the rest of the evening catching up on house chores & watching movies! Yay to relaxing evenings with the hubby & puppy!

This week was truly a great week spent with family during most of the spare moments. It's nice to spend time with family and catch up on all the happenings in every body's life. 

After all, when it's all said & done, family will always be there for ya right?

XoXo- Tiffany

July 12, 2012

Texture #photoadayjuly

A puppy's coat. And gross/dead grass. At least two textures in one picture.


XoXo- Tiffany

Letter #photoadayjuly

These are the letters that hang in mine & Bradley's room. I made them with scrapbook paper and bunch of stickers/embellishments, and I stuck on a copy of one of our engagement photos.

I think they're cute :]


XoXo- Tiffany

My Favorite Color #photoadayjuly

My favorite color [[at this moment in time]] is purple. I'm pretty much obsessed with it. When I'm shopping, I'm drawn to purple shirts; I like my nails painted purple; I love purple hair bows;.... you're starting to get the picture right?


......the purple bunny from my classroom knows where it's at :]

XoXo- Tiffany

July 9, 2012

Just Another Day in Paradise!

These past couple days have flown by with everything that's been going. I can't believe that it's already the middle of July!

-Thursday night Bradley & I went to the WIR race to watch his cousin Jason race. It was sooo hott out that it made the beginning of the races pretty terrible & miserable. The racing was fun to watch, but the heat/humidity just made everything gross. Finally though! The sun went down and there seemed to be a little breeze going through, which made everything a bit more enjoyable. At the end of the races there was fireworks! Yay!

-Friday, Bradley & I ran to my parents house. They were dog sitting Dixie for us this weekend. After dropping her off we had a nice little date night- we went to Chili's for dinner & then headed to Barnes & Nobles to pick up some books. There's nothing I LOVE more then having date night and being with my amazing husband. It still amazes me that after 9 years we can still go to dinner & talk the entire time.

-Saturday... It was nice to sleep in & not get woken up to dog kisses! But I can honestly say that I missed snuggling with Dixie in the morning. Brad & I went to the farmer's market, ran some errands and visited the Oshkosh Humane Society. We've been talking about getting another puppy so Dixie will have a friend and we decided to check out the animals. If anyone is in need of an animal- always remember to check with your local humane society! Every animals needs a good, loving home to go home to! 
In the afternoon we headed off to Milwaukee to go to Summerfest! We saw Phil Vassar with a bunch of friends. It wasn't too hott and the music was great, and getting to spend the evening with friends was fantastic.

-Sunday... ohhh Sunday. Bradley & I did literally nothing allllllll day. It felt amazing. We laid around on the couch all day and watched Criminal Minds. How simpler & more perfect does life need to be!?

I hope that ya'll had an amazing weekend and were able to enjoy the nice shift in the weather! Yay!

XoXo- Tiffany

BIG #photoadayjuly

This is my brat from Summerfest on Saturday night. This brat was HUGE and my tummy was starting to get full 1/2 way through the thing. But no fear- since I was sharing the fries with Bradley, I was able to finish the yummy brat.


XoXo- Tiffany

Lunch #photoadayjuly

Lunch... well I forgot to take a picture of my lunch. I know, I know... way to suck at life Tiffany! BUT in my defense, Brad & I had omelets for lunch & he didn't make those until 1 o'clock. For those of you that DON'T know me, probably don't know that I'm one of those people that HAS to eat 3 meals a day. If I don't eat, then I get super cranky. So by the time 1 o'clock came around and my omelet was finally done being cooked by my amazing husband... I was beyond hungry and cranky that I forgot to stop for 2 minuets & take a picture. So instead, you're getting a picture of mine & Bradley's dinner. That wonderful corn on the cob that we bought at the farmer's market on Saturday, and a nice piece of steak (from a farmer's cow that we split with my parents and grandparents.)

....my husband is seriously an amazing griller. He makes everything tasty yummy and my dinner last night was nothing short of delicious!


XoXo- Tiffany

Garden #photoadayjuly

Bradley & I went to the farmer's market on Saturday morning! I got these *amazing* pieces of corn from one of the vendors. So delicious!


Please also LOVE the fact that the pieces of corn match my beautiful place mats from Crate & Barrel. And my beautiful candles from Party Lite.

XoXo- Tiffany

Chair #photoadayjuly

Chair... this is one of the awesome chairs that sits in my living room. The chairs were my great grandparents' chairs, and then when they passed away Bradley & I got the "hand me down" furniture to put in our new place until we could afford furniture. Well.. I could probably afford furniture now if I really wanted any... but you want to know a secret?.....

...........the chairs are the MOST comfortable thing I've ever sat in. For real. No wonder old people loved them! :]



Xoxo- Tiffany

July 5, 2012

Happy Birthday America!

Yesterday was the 4th of July. America's birthday. Many people celebrate with families, fireworks, BBQs, and wearing red,white, & blue.... wait! That's how I celebrated America's birthday! Bradley & I spent the day at his mom Barb's house for the annual party with his mom's side of the family. It's a great day for the family to get as many people together as they can. We enjoyed great food, playing in the pool, laughs with family, and time spent reminiscing about years before. We got to enjoy the youngest members of the family (a 3 year old and a 4 year old) enjoying their 4th of July and being little "fish" in the water. Throughout the US there's a massive heat wave going through, and Wisconsin is being affected by it too. Yesterday's weather forecast was well into the 90s, with the heat index... close to the low 100s... that meant swimming or being the AC for me! We stuck it out though and enjoyed being with everyone throughout the day. After being outside in the heat all day, Bradley & I did not feel up to going to the fireworks downtown BUT we can see them from the back side of our house; so I decided to watch them from the guest bedroom window. The best of both worlds- AC & Fireworks.

I can say that the ONE annoying the thing about the 4th of July being on a Wednesday was that I had to go back to work this morning. It was very difficult to get out of bed this morning when I got to sleep in yesterday. On a brighter note though, there's only one more day of work and then we get the weekend!

Wisconsin is still in hot weather, over 100 with the heat index, and Bradley & I are crazily going to the Wisconsin International Raceway to watch his cousin race tonight. Ohhhh it's going to be a hot one!

We're off to the races!......

XoXo- Tiffany

On the Floor #photoadayjuly

I'm starting to notice a trend in my pictures already... they've consisted of Dixie Mae many times already! When I read that "on the floor" was the challenge for today, I looked at my carpet in the living room & thought how embarrassing! there's dog toys everywhere! But that's how my house is every day. I pick up 3 toys, put them away, and Dixie takes out 6 toys thinking it's a game.

But you know what, I wouldn't trade my life for anything! :]


XoXo- Tiffany

Fun #photoadayjuly

Fun... such an "easy" yet hard photo challenge. Yesterday was the 4th of July- so that means there was lots of fun things happening all over the place. My favorite fun thing yesterday, besides spending the day with family, friends, and trying to enjoy the HEAT; was watching the sweetest interaction between Dixie Mae and Bradley's cousin's 3 year old. Jacob was so precious playing with Dixie, and Dixie did a great job remembering to be gentle. Here's one of my favorite pictures of the two of them- clearly having some fun!


XoXo- Tiffany

Best Part of Your Day #photoadayjuly

The best part of my day is waking up to my two favorite things in the world: Bradley & Dixie Mae. Listening to both of them snore in the morning gives me time to think about how blessed I am and how my life is "practically perfect".


XoXo - Tiffany

July 2, 2012

Busy #photoadayjuly

Busy... busy pretty much sums up life in the summer. I feel like I'm constantly going between hanging out with friends, weddings, bridal showers, baby showers, spending time with family, and trying to find some quality time well spent with my husband Bradley and our puppy Dixie Mae. So today, quality time between Dixie & I was going to the petstore to get her nails trimmed. I'm a big sucker for Dixie and always by her a new toy as a reward for not biting the petstore people as they trim her nails. So my "busy" picture is Dixie Mae "busy" playing with her new toy.


Isn't she the cutest beagle you've ever seen?!

XoXo!- Tiffany

Self Portrait #photoadayjuly

My self portrait is from boating over the weekend. This picture sums up my summer nicely so far... being outdoors, enjoying the weather, and being with family, friends, and my puppy Dixie Mae!


XoXo!- Tiffany


I've been meaning to do this photo a day challenge since February... well life gave me some lemons & I didn't make lemonade. I thought maybe if I put it on my blog it would make me take the photo each day and give me something to be accountable towards... because I really do want to be able to say I finished one of the months!
So here are the challenges for each day...

1. Self Portrait
2. Busy
3. Best Part of Your Day
4. Fun
5. On the Floor
6. Chair
7. Garden
8. Lunch
9. Big
10. Your Favorite Color
11. Letter
12. Texture
13. Open
 14. Building
15. Finger
16. Sign
17. Your addiction
18. Plate
19. Animal/Insect/Pet
20. Eyes
21. 9 o'clock
22. Upside Down
23. Mirror
24. A Stranger
25. Heart
26. Sunshine
27. On the road
28. Cup
29. Last thing you bought
30. Calm
31. Toothbrush

So here goes nothing...

Wish me luck!

XoXo!- Tiffany

Another Great One...

Well, another UNplanned weekend turned into another GREAT weekend. It's such a great feeling to be able to enjoy the summer and the beautiful weather with family & friends.

-Friday Bradley & I went our "separate" ways. Brad went to the dirt races with our friend Ellis for the night while I had girls night with some of my co-workers. Drinks before followed by going to see "Magic Mike" after. Some people that go sees movies should stay home sometimes! There were some rather intoxicated older ladies there being quite loud the ENTIRE movie. We were sitting in the front row and still had trouble hearing some parts. A couple people starting to yell at them, they got defensive, and needless to say.. things got awkward. My friends and I all had a wonderful time... & on a more positive note: Channing Tatum looked rather delicious!

-Saturday was spent boating! Another great day out on Green Lake! The company was splendid, the water was breathtaking, and the weather was superb. After boating, Bradley & I went to my mother-in-law Barb's for dinner. It was great getting to spend time with her.

-Sunday... Bradley & I slept most of the morning away. Got caught up on the domestic list (cleaning && laundry) and then went to my parents house for dinner. Sitting at the table at my parents house is like being at a comedy club- sometime I feel like I never stop laughing. It was wonderful to spend time with them.

I hope that everyone had a great weekend. Did you celebrate the 4th of July this past weekend or are you celebrating this weekend coming up? I decided (as well as many people that I've talked with) that we'll be celebrating both weekends, as well as on the actual 4th of July.

XoXo!- Tiffany