July 26, 2012

Catching Up On Life

[[siiiiggghh]]... It is Thursday right? I don't know if it's this way for you, but for me- this week seems to be never ending!

After a pretty fun, & very low key weekend- I'm ready for the week to be over so I can enjoy another weekend like the last one!

-Last weekend Brad & I were blessed with the opportunity to attend the wedding of my former co-worker/high school friend Drew & his fiance Shanon. I've known Drew for probably 8 years now. We worked together at good ol' McDonalds and went to high school together. They're wedding was beautiful & it was wonderful to see them both so happy!

-After the wedding Bradley & I had date night! We went & saw Disney's "Brave". It definitely wasn't what I thought it was going to be- but I loved it! && we had the theater to ourselves! Nothing like talking and being ridiculous the whole time!

-the rest of the weekend was spent enjoying our time together & having a "Dawson's Creek" marathon. 
love it. :]

.... this weekend Brad & I don't have many plans. Just watching the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics and having more "Dawson's Creek" marathon. We're thinking of checking out some open houses- to get ideas of things we like in houses and what we can get for what price. Has anyone been through the home buying process recently?! Bradley & I are just starting to look at places and are still trying to figure out the whole process and our wants/needs in houses. It's a little complicated!

here's to tomorrow being Friday! :]

XoXo- Tiffany

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