July 9, 2012

Lunch #photoadayjuly

Lunch... well I forgot to take a picture of my lunch. I know, I know... way to suck at life Tiffany! BUT in my defense, Brad & I had omelets for lunch & he didn't make those until 1 o'clock. For those of you that DON'T know me, probably don't know that I'm one of those people that HAS to eat 3 meals a day. If I don't eat, then I get super cranky. So by the time 1 o'clock came around and my omelet was finally done being cooked by my amazing husband... I was beyond hungry and cranky that I forgot to stop for 2 minuets & take a picture. So instead, you're getting a picture of mine & Bradley's dinner. That wonderful corn on the cob that we bought at the farmer's market on Saturday, and a nice piece of steak (from a farmer's cow that we split with my parents and grandparents.)

....my husband is seriously an amazing griller. He makes everything tasty yummy and my dinner last night was nothing short of delicious!


XoXo- Tiffany

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