July 9, 2012

Just Another Day in Paradise!

These past couple days have flown by with everything that's been going. I can't believe that it's already the middle of July!

-Thursday night Bradley & I went to the WIR race to watch his cousin Jason race. It was sooo hott out that it made the beginning of the races pretty terrible & miserable. The racing was fun to watch, but the heat/humidity just made everything gross. Finally though! The sun went down and there seemed to be a little breeze going through, which made everything a bit more enjoyable. At the end of the races there was fireworks! Yay!

-Friday, Bradley & I ran to my parents house. They were dog sitting Dixie for us this weekend. After dropping her off we had a nice little date night- we went to Chili's for dinner & then headed to Barnes & Nobles to pick up some books. There's nothing I LOVE more then having date night and being with my amazing husband. It still amazes me that after 9 years we can still go to dinner & talk the entire time.

-Saturday... It was nice to sleep in & not get woken up to dog kisses! But I can honestly say that I missed snuggling with Dixie in the morning. Brad & I went to the farmer's market, ran some errands and visited the Oshkosh Humane Society. We've been talking about getting another puppy so Dixie will have a friend and we decided to check out the animals. If anyone is in need of an animal- always remember to check with your local humane society! Every animals needs a good, loving home to go home to! 
In the afternoon we headed off to Milwaukee to go to Summerfest! We saw Phil Vassar with a bunch of friends. It wasn't too hott and the music was great, and getting to spend the evening with friends was fantastic.

-Sunday... ohhh Sunday. Bradley & I did literally nothing allllllll day. It felt amazing. We laid around on the couch all day and watched Criminal Minds. How simpler & more perfect does life need to be!?

I hope that ya'll had an amazing weekend and were able to enjoy the nice shift in the weather! Yay!

XoXo- Tiffany

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